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Émilien (perso) unixfox

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unixfox /
Created January 11, 2025 03:01
root great lenovo p2

  1. magisk + Zygisk Next
  2. play integrity fix
  3. shamiko + zygisk assistant
  4. sensitive props mod
  5. hide my applist + lsposed
  6. put apps that do not need to see root in HMA and deny list in magisk
unixfox /
Last active November 30, 2024 15:17
How to get IPv4 connectivity on an IPv6 only VPS

Some hosting providers like scaleway allows to remove the IPv4 from the VPS in order to save 1€/month but doing this will result in losing connectivity to the "IPv4 world".
Or you may have ordered a VPS that only has IPv6 connectivity and you want to access to a resource only accessible from the "IPv4 world".
Here is how to gain your access back to the "IPv4 world".

Change your name servers(s) to DNS64 name servers(s)

Note: You may deploy your own DNS64 & NAT64 server on a separate server by following this tutorial (untested):
Note²: You may find a explanation of what is NAT64 and DNS64 on Wikipedia.

  1. Choose a/multiple DNS64 public server(s) that has/have its own NAT64 public service from this list:
unixfox /
Last active November 3, 2024 13:06
Install alpine linux on Scaleway stardust
unixfox /
Last active November 1, 2024 19:37
Install Alpine Linux on Oracle Cloud ARM VPS with Ubuntu pre-installed
unixfox /
Last active August 29, 2024 18:50
Run Invidious with the new sig helper and trusted session generator

New official instructions: iv-org/documentation#581

Outdated Instructions

  1. Use the Invidious Docker image with tag master: (or for ARM64:
  2. Generate a po_token and visitor_data ID using this script:
    Note: According to someone on Matrix, you may need to generate that token from the same IP address as your Invidious server.
  3. Follow instructions about docker: You will need to make the connection between sig_helper and invidious network.
  4. Add these new options inside config.yaml:
unixfox / ealhosts.txt
Last active May 22, 2024 10:52
EtherAddressLookup blacklist | Use this URL : on your blocklist | List updated every hour
unixfox /
Last active May 8, 2024 17:09
Tests k0s and talos kubernetes memory usage and bandwidth usage for k0s

k0s with 1 master, 2 workers:

base OS memory usage: 94MB

root@k0s-master01:~# free -h  
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available  
Mem:           1.9Gi       632Mi       904Mi       3.6Mi       574Mi       1.3Gi  
Swap:          983Mi          0B       983Mi  
unixfox /
Last active April 25, 2024 20:25
Get root access into alcatel mw40v

You need a Windows installation (can be a VM with the USB shared to the VM).

You also need adb installed.

  1. Download
  2. Execute the file as an administrator
  3. Select the drive letter for the modem USB
  4. You now have ADB access using: adb shell

ARM binaries:

unixfox /
Last active March 11, 2024 14:14
Compile systemd with BPF_FRAMEWORK for Debian 12 (bookworm)
  1. Update the repositories: apt-get update
  2. Basic tooling for compiling debian package: apt-get install devscripts build-essential
  3. Get the sources: apt-get source systemd/bookworm.
  4. Install the dev dependencies: apt-get build-dep systemd/bookworm.
  5. Install the bpf dependencies: apt-get install clang libbpf-dev libbpf-tools bpftool
  6. Go into the source directory of systemd: cd systemd-*.
  7. Build the package: debuild -us -uc.
  8. Go back to the parent directory: cd ...
  9. Install the package built: dpkg -i systemd_*_amd64.deb