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John Hann unscriptable

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var HAS_EXPANDING_BOX_BUG = (function(){
var el = document.createElement('div'),
isBuggy = false; = '1px';
isBuggy = (el.offsetHeight > 1);
el = null;
return isBuggy;
// original (
(function(){if(!/*@cc_on!@*/0)return;var e = "abbr,article,aside,audio,canvas,datalist,details,figure,figcaption,footer,header,hgroup,mark,menu,meter,nav,output,progress,section,summary,time,video".split(','),i=e.length;while(i--){document.createElement(e[i])}})()
// kangax version (29 characters less, yay!)
cujo.js equivalent (in-browser):
file: myApp.view.LoginPanel.html
<div class="myapp-view-loginpanel">
<span data-attach="greeting">${display.greeting}</span>
<a data-attach="action" href="{$config.loginUrl}">{$display.loginAction}</a>
logout version extends login version (inheritance defined in myApp.view.LogoutPanel.js:
unscriptable / ambiguous-race.js
Last active September 25, 2019 13:20 — forked from briancavalier/ambiguous-race.js
Promise.race is a lie
// This is the function we will use to call Promise.race().
// logWinner is simply a function that races two promises
// and logs the "winner" of the race as a side effect.
function logWinner (p1, p2) {
Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(console.log.bind(console));
// Here are 2 promises, p1 and p2. p2 always resolves
// first, since p1 resolves in 20 ms, and p2 resolves
// in 10 ms. By any reasonable definition of "race",