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John Hann unscriptable

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var HAS_EXPANDING_BOX_BUG = (function(){
var el = document.createElement('div'),
isBuggy = false; = '1px';
isBuggy = (el.offsetHeight > 1);
el = null;
return isBuggy;
unscriptable / Fix Chatterous bookmarklet
Created January 22, 2010 15:42
bookmarklet to fix some annoying chatterous issues
javascript: /* removes annoying footer and body scrollbars, cleans-up the chat transcript, and notifies via sound when a new message arrives when in the background */
var ss1=document.styleSheets[0];
ss1.addRule('.chat_transcript_info', 'opacity:0;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.5s ease 0.5s;');
ss1.addRule('#chat_transcript:hover .chat_transcript_info', 'opacity:1;');
ss1.addRule('.small_channel_img', 'display:none;');
var soundCont = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
soundCont.innerHTML = '<embed src="" autostart=false width=0 height=0 id="msgSound" enablejavascript="true">';
window._startBlinkTitle = window.startBlinkTitle;
// original (
(function(){if(!/*@cc_on!@*/0)return;var e = "abbr,article,aside,audio,canvas,datalist,details,figure,figcaption,footer,header,hgroup,mark,menu,meter,nav,output,progress,section,summary,time,video".split(','),i=e.length;while(i--){document.createElement(e[i])}})()
// kangax version (29 characters less, yay!)
$.each(itemList, function (which) {
// if dev passed an array
if ($.isArray(itemList))
// use the 2nd arg as item name (1st arg is array index)
which = arguments[1];
// check if we've already initialized this item
var already = doneMap[which];
if (!already)
unscriptable / bwb18i
Created April 30, 2010 20:46
My comment on nettuts+ that didn't get approved (I wonder why)
My comment on nettuts+ that didn't get approved (I wonder why)
It seems that this post started out with good intentions: How to show junior javascript programmers how to use the Firebug profiling commands. However, due to crappy jQuery advice, turned into an illustration of web programming anti-patterns (aka “Programming No-nos”).
I have to agree with James (of course), and would add the following:
Premature optimization.
Do not try to second-guess the framework (jQuery, prototype, dojo, etc.) unless you’ve already got a performance problem. The people who build those frameworks have done an excellent job and have designed them to work well in most situations.
cujo.js equivalent (in-browser):
file: myApp.view.LoginPanel.html
<div class="myapp-view-loginpanel">
<span data-attach="greeting">${display.greeting}</span>
<a data-attach="action" href="{$config.loginUrl}">{$display.loginAction}</a>
logout version extends login version (inheritance defined in myApp.view.LogoutPanel.js:
attributeMap: {
seconds: {
data: "seconds",
type: "no-dom"
displaySeconds: {
source: "seconds",
deriver: "_displaySeconds",
type: "no-dom"
function init () {
// find widgets by id:
var myStandby = dijit.byId('basicStandby1'),
myForm = dijit.byId('myForm');
// i don't think you need this line, but i haven't studied the BasicStandby widget
dojo.connect(myForm, 'onSubmit', function() {;
// result sets (two identical queries)
var rs1, rs2;
//items to watch (two instances of same model data)
var item1, item2;
dojo.when(store.query({}), function (results) {
rs1 = results;
item1 = results[0];
// item1.get('prop') == 'foo'
unscriptable / arbitrary_constructor.js
Created December 17, 2010 17:47
construct an object given a constructor and an array of parameters
function createObject (ctor, args) {
function F () {
ctor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = ctor.prototype;
F.prototype.constructor = ctor; // IE might need this
return new F();
// quick test: