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Working from the earth

Yuto Ito uplus

Working from the earth
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if let Some(cookies) = req.headers.get::<iron::headers::Cookie>() {
for cookie in cookies.iter() {
// cookie is &String
if let Ok(cookie) = cookie::Cookie::parse(&cookie) {
// cookie is &Cookie
println!("{:?}", cookie);
" set debug=throw
" git ls-files | grep -Ev 'init.vim|.gitignore' | xargs rm
language message C
scriptencoding utf-8
set shell=/bin/sh
let g:netrw_nogx = 1
let g:loaded_node_provider = 0
setup_my_tmp() {
sudo mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}"
sudo mount_tmpfs "${TMPDIR}"
sudo chmod 1777 "${TMPDIR}"
export TMPDIR
if [[ $(stat -c '%a' '/private/my_tmp') = 1777 ]]; then
export TMPDIR='/private/my_tmp'
git rev-list HEAD...master --left-only | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only --stdin | uniq