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def bf_to_wf (bf, pool, transition = '-'):
words = []
curr, index = 0, 0
for char in bf:
curr_slot, trans = '', ''
for _ in range('.-+,><[]'.index(char) + 2):
if trans:
import string
from math import inf
class base:
"""manages metadata and conversions methods for unary and positional numeric systems"""
def __init__ (self, base = 10,
charset = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase,
radix_point = '.',
from itertools import *
j = 1
while j < 20:
k = [[x] for x in open(str(j) + '.txt').read().split('\n')]
for i in range(j+1, 21):
x = open(str(i) + '.txt').read().split('\n')
for m in x:
if m:
dstring f(string a){
import std.string, std.conv;
alias D = to!dstring;
if (a.length == 1)
return D("<i>"~a~"</i>");
if (a[0] == a[1])