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Created November 5, 2016 10:09
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"source": "# RSA algorithm implementation in python\n<hr>"
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"source": "from math import sqrt\nfrom random import *\n\n#check if the number is prime or not\ndef is_miller_rabin_prime(n, k=10):\n if n == 2:\n return True\n if not n & 1:\n return False\n\n def check(a, s, d, n):\n x = pow(a, d, n)\n if x == 1:\n return True\n for i in xrange(s - 1):\n if x == n - 1:\n return True\n x = pow(x, 2, n)\n return x == n - 1\n\n s = 0\n d = n - 1\n\n while d % 2 == 0:\n d >>= 1\n s += 1\n\n for i in xrange(k):\n a = randrange(2, n - 1)\n if not check(a, s, d, n):\n return False\n return True\n\n\n\n# ///////////////////////////////////////////\n#generate private key from e and phi\ndef generate_d(e, phi):\n d = 0\n x1 = 0\n x2 = 1\n y1 = 1\n temp_phi = phi\n\n while e > 0:\n temp1 = temp_phi/e\n temp2 = temp_phi - temp1 * e\n temp_phi = e\n e = temp2\n\n x = x2- temp1* x1\n y = d - temp1 * y1\n\n x2 = x1\n x1 = x\n d = y1\n y1 = y\n\n if temp_phi == 1:\n return d + phi\n\n# ////////// get next prime number ////////////\ndef get_nxt_prm(low_lim = 100000000000000000, up_lim = 100000000000000000000000):\n n = randrange(low_lim, up_lim )\n\n if is_miller_rabin_prime(n) == True:\n return n\n while is_miller_rabin_prime(n) == False:\n n += 1\n\n return n\n\n#///////////////////////////////////////////\n\ndef encrypt(pub_key, n, plaintext):\n #Unpack the key into it's components\n\n cipher = []\n\n for c in plaintext:\n assci_val = ord(c)\n tmp_cipher = pow(assci_val, pub_key, n)\n cipher.append(tmp_cipher)\n\n\n return cipher\n\n\ndef decrypt(priv_key, n, ciphertext):\n text = []\n for t in ciphertext:\n tmp_text = pow(t,priv_key, n)\n tmp_c = chr (tmp_text)\n text.append(tmp_c)\n return text\n#///////////////////////////////////////////\n\ndef my_pow(a, e):\n mul = 1\n for i in range(1,e):\n mul *= a\n\n return mul\n\n##################################################################\n##################################################################\n\n\nPRIME_LOW_LIM = 10**6\nPRIME_UP_LIM = 100**9\n\np = get_nxt_prm(PRIME_LOW_LIM, PRIME_UP_LIM)\nq = get_nxt_prm(PRIME_LOW_LIM, PRIME_UP_LIM )\nprint 'generating two prime number ...\\np = ', p, '\\nq = ', q, '\\n'\n\n\nn = p * q\nprint 'calculating (p*q)...\\n n =>', n\n\nphi = (p-1) * (q-1)\nprint '\\ncalculating (p-1)*(q-1)...\\n phi => ', phi, '\\n'\n\ne = get_nxt_prm(2, phi)\nprint '\\ngenerating public key ...\\n e => ', e , ' and length = ', len(str(e))\n\n\nd = generate_d(e, phi)\n\n\n\nprint '\\ngenerating private key ...\\n d => ', d, '; length = ', len(str(d))\n\n#msg = 123\n#print 'Original message', msg\n\n#encrip_msg = pow(msg,e,n)\n#print 'encrypted message: ', encrip_msg\n\n#ttt = pow(msg, e, n)\n#decryp_msg = pow(encrip_msg, d, n)\n#print 'decrypted message: ', decryp_msg\n\nsecret_msg = 'hello how are you'\nprint '\\n\\nOrginal Message: ',secret_msg\n\nprint '\\nEncrypted message: '\naaaa = encrypt(e, n, secret_msg)\nfor a in aaaa:\n print a,\n\n\nprint '\\n\\nDecrypted message: '\nbbbb = decrypt(d,n, aaaa)\nfor b in bbbb:\n print b,\n",
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"text": "generating two prime number ...\np = 786709258744600993 \nq = 491849468931253789 \n\ncalculating (p*q)...\n n => 386942531116832324326612782024412477\n\ncalculating (p-1)*(q-1)...\n phi => 386942531116832323048054054348557696 \n\n\ngenerating public key ...\n e => 121327031582590434470174630011335053 and length = 36\n\ngenerating private key ...\n d => 561698314797619019238914984058775109 ; length = 36\n\n\nOrginal Message: hello how are you\n\nEncrypted message: \n14455771632145545850173578267156838 68895843678156386295559241558762639 192733712786940919027828192705696538 192733712786940919027828192705696538 119970030015389214863981240712568988 85899282463559380982929001086032931 14455771632145545850173578267156838 119970030015389214863981240712568988 192269082242455792120532725711217567 85899282463559380982929001086032931 243954766336442801710375055839269382 45384817009482099843900877556762664 68895843678156386295559241558762639 85899282463559380982929001086032931 102074773659448332761057499210785635 119970030015389214863981240712568988 44644789665370318448880445320218878 \n\nDecrypted message: \nh e l l o h o w a r e y o u\n",
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