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Victor Martinez v1v

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v1v / gist_jenkins_jnlp_slave
Created June 20, 2014 07:51
jenkins_jnlp_slave (Windows) [jenkins v2.0.2
[2014-06-20T08:43:33+01:00] INFO: Processing jenkins_jnlp_slave[] action create (acme_jenkins::slave line 17)
[2014-06-20T08:43:33+01:00] DEBUG: Load jenkins_jnlp_slave[] slave information
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] INFO: Processing remote_file[C:\chef\cache/jenkins-cli.jar] action create (dynamically defined)
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: remote_file[C:\chef\cache/jenkins-cli.jar] checking for changes
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: Cache control headers: {}
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: Initiating GET to
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: ---- HTTP Request Header Data: ----
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: Streaming download from to tempfile C:/Users/build/AppData/Local/Temp/chef-rest20140620-3508-1flzyu
[2014-06-20T08:43:34+01:00] DEBUG: -
ace-editor 1.1 true
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.5-3.0 true
authentication-tokens 1.3 true
bouncycastle-api 2.17 true
branch-api 2.5.3 true
cloudbees-folder 6.9 true
command-launcher 1.3 true
credentials 2.2.0 true
credentials-binding 1.19 true
display-url-api 2.3.1 true
ace-editor 1.1 true
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.5-3.0 true
authentication-tokens 1.3 true
bouncycastle-api 2.17 true
branch-api 2.5.4-SNAPSHOT (private-d4aba23b-vmartinez) true
cloudbees-folder 6.9 true
command-launcher 1.3 true
credentials 2.2.0 true
credentials-binding 1.18 true
display-url-api 2.3.1 true
v1v / beats-make-release
Created March 31, 2020 16:21
beats-make-release output in darwin
2020-03-31 16:25:19 ⌚ |2.6.3| Victors-MacBook-Pro in ~/work/src/
± |master → origin ✓| → SNAPSHOT=true PLATFORMS=darwin GO111MODULE=on WORKSPACE=$(pwd) make release
Installing mage v1.9.0 from vendor dir.
go install -mod=vendor -ldflags="-X"
/Users/vmartinez/.magefile cleaned
Generating NOTICE
Get the licenses available from ./vendor
WARNING: No version information found for:
WARNING: No version information found for:
WARNING: No version information found for:
v1v / beats-ci-release-script
Created March 31, 2020 17:30
Beats CI release script lcoally
2020-03-31 17:41:31 ⌚ |2.6.3| Victors-MacBook-Pro in ~/work/src/
± |master → origin ✓| → SNAPSHOT=true PLATFORMS=darwin GO111MODULE=on WORKSPACE=~/work dev-tools/
+ : /Users/vmartinez
+ : /Users/vmartinez/work
++ dirname dev-tools/
+ source dev-tools/common.bash
++++ dirname dev-tools/common.bash
+++ cd dev-tools
+++ pwd
++ _sdir=/Users/vmartinez/work/src/
$ git clone
$ cd apm-integration-testing
$ docker build docker/opbeans/rum [±master ✓▴]
Sending build context to Docker daemon 73.22kB
Step 1/13 : FROM node:12-slim
12-slim: Pulling from library/node
5e35bd43cf78: Pull complete
cda0aae130a5: Pull complete
300c381085d6: Pull complete
7c66645ff5a4: Pull complete
v1v / JenkinsPipelineSteps-WithAbort
Created June 18, 2020 12:27
JenkinsPipelineSteps UserScript easily find failed and aborted steps
// ==UserScript==
// @name JenkinsPipelineSteps
// @version 1.5
// @description Add extra table with red steps in the top of the page
// @author Magnus Håkansson
// @match *://*/*/job/*/flowGraphTable/
// @require
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// @license MIT
v1v / gist:5daf5d79ab90d1d2eefed03934d011d2
Created July 9, 2020 14:02
[filebeat] in windows-2016 with TestReceiveEventsAndMetadata failures
[2020-07-02T08:43:15.778Z] C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\Beats_beats-windows-mbp_PR-19199\src\\elastic\beats\filebeat>mage build unitTest
[2020-07-02T08:44:02.481Z] >> build: Building filebeat
[2020-07-02T08:45:10.213Z] >> go test: Unit Testing
[2020-07-02T08:47:31.683Z] FAILURES:
[2020-07-02T08:47:31.683Z] Package:
[2020-07-02T08:47:31.683Z] Test: TestReceiveEventsAndMetadata
[2020-07-02T08:47:31.683Z] ----
[2020-07-02T08:47:31.683Z] Package:
[2020-07-02T08:47:31.683Z] Test: TestReceiveEventsAndMetadata/NewLine
v1v / gist:4dab9905f830968ab9d37eab34dd5e83
Created July 9, 2020 14:10
[filebeat] in windows-2012-r2 got some flakiness tests for TestReceiveEventsAndMetadata/TestSocketCleanup/TestReceiveNewEventsConcurrently
14:43:49 C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\Beats_beats-windows-mbp_PR-19773\src\\elastic\beats\filebeat>mage build unitTest
14:44:22 >> build: Building filebeat
14:45:18 >> go test: Unit Testing
14:47:09 FAILURES:
14:47:09 Package:
14:47:09 Test: TestReceiveEventsAndMetadata
14:47:09 ----
14:47:09 Package:
14:47:09 Test: TestReceiveEventsAndMetadata/NewLine
v1v / gist:eac48c1ccd86f68f54c0a8f9302f8abb
Created July 9, 2020 14:20
[elastic-agent] in windows got some flakiness tests for TestActionStore/TestReplaceOrRollbackStore/TestDiskStore
14:42:17 C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\Beats_beats-windows-mbp_PR-19773\src\\elastic\beats\x-pack\elastic-agent>mage build unitTest
14:42:59 go version go1.13.10 windows/amd64
14:42:59 set GO111MODULE=
14:42:59 set GOARCH=amd64
14:42:59 set GOBIN=
14:42:59 set GOCACHE=C:\Users\jenkins.PACKER-5D9FFF00\AppData\Local\go-build
14:42:59 set GOENV=C:\Users\jenkins.PACKER-5D9FFF00\AppData\Roaming\go\env
14:42:59 set GOEXE=.exe
14:42:59 set GOFLAGS=