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lord-alfred /
Last active July 3, 2024 16:27
Y-Factors Formula

Y-Factors Formula

Здесь опубликованы коэффициенты для одного из внутренних ранжировщиков в поиске Яндекса. Это не итоговая формула, которая влияет на результат появления ссылки в серпе, т.к. судя по изученному коду – внутри используется несколько ранжировщиков и поисковых движков, результаты которых мержатся между собой и уже итоговый результат приводит к распределению ссылок по топу выдачи.

коэффициенты влияния на факторы

| Коэффициент | Название Фактора | Описание Фактора |

amiraliakbari / TrxMultiSend.sol
Created October 27, 2020 13:44
Tron Multi-send contract
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
* SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {
eriknovak /
Last active February 10, 2024 17:53
Instructions for setting up the Logstash configuration for synching PostgreSQL with Elasticsearch

Populating Elasticsearch Index with Logstash

Logstash is a free and open server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite "stash."

This section describes how one can use it on UNIX to migrate data from a PostgreSQL database to elasticsearch.

The Prerequisites

EddiG /
Last active March 31, 2024 10:34
How to decrypt SSL/TLS traffic in Wireshark on MacOS

The main point is to save the SSL/TLS keys those used by the web browser (SSLKEYLOGFILE=/tmp/tmp-google/.ssl-key.log).
In the example below we run brand new instance of Google Chrome (--user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp-google do the trick):
SSLKEYLOGFILE=/tmp/tmp-google/.ssl-key.log /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/tmp-google
Then run the Wireshark and open the Preferences -> Protocols -> SSL, where we put the path to the SSL keys log file into the (Pre)-Master-Secret log filename field.
Now all SSL/TLS traffic from this browser instance will be decrypted.

var fpdefs = {
vertex_shader :
'attribute vec3 a_vertexPosition,a_vertexNormal;attribute vec2 a_vert' +
'exTexture;uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix,u_pMatrix,u_nMatrix;uniform vec3 u' +
'_lightPosition;varying vec3 v_normal;varying vec2 v_texture;varying ' +
'vec3 v_eyeVec,v_lightRay;void main(){vec4 vertex=u_mvMatrix*vec4(a_v' +
'ertexPosition,1.);v_normal=vec3(u_nMatrix*vec4(a_vertexNormal,1.));v' +
'ec4 light=u_mvMatrix*vec4(u_lightPosition,1.);v_lightRay=vertex.rgb-' +
'light.rgb;v_eyeVec=-vec3(vertex.rgb);gl_Position=u_pMatrix*vertex;gl' +
shadiakiki1986 /
Last active October 13, 2022 18:22
Run a Scrapy spider in a Celery Task (in django)

My first shot at fixing this was in file below.

But then that just gave a "unhandled error in deferred", so I went on to use CrawlRunner.

That showed no output at all anymore, and didn't run as expected.

Eventually, I just settled on CELERY_WORKER_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD=1=1 in

Note: CELERY_WORKER_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD=1 is for django. Celery without django probably drops the CELERY_ prefix

levsthings /
Last active April 13, 2023 21:05
Install Docker CE on Ubuntu 17.10

Installing Docker CE on Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark

As of 20/10/2017, a release file for Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark is not available on Download Docker.

If you are used to installing Docker to your development machine with get-docker script, that won't work either. So the solution is to install Docker CE from the zesty package.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
edsiper /
Last active July 11, 2024 07:42
Kubernetes Useful Commands
Name: Flash
Serial: eNrzzU/OLi0odswsqnHLSSzOqDGoca7JKCkpsNLXLy8v1ytJTczVLUotKNFLzs8FAJHYETc=
if anyone wants to thank ETH: 0x527c2aB55b744D6167dc981576318af96ed26676
Thank you!
majackson /
Last active July 22, 2024 16:29
Django migrations without downtime

Django Migrations without Downtime

The following instructions describe a set of processes allowing you to run Django database migrations against a production database without having to bring the web service down.

Note that in the below instructions, migrations are all run manually at explicit points, and are not an automatic part of the deployment process.

Adding Fields or Tables

Adding a (nullable) field or a new table

  1. Make the model or column addition in your code.