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velizarn / sendgrid-sample.php
Last active December 24, 2021 10:26
Sample script to send email via SendGrid
$url = "";
$payload = array(
'to' => "",
'from' => "",
'fromname' => "Delivery team",
velizarn / yandex_translate.js
Last active June 7, 2016 20:01
Yandex.Translate API request for Node.js
var http = require('http'), https = require('https')
var apiKey = process.argv[2];
var _quSelected = process.argv[3] || '';
var _quPrompt = process.argv[4] || '';
var _lang = process.argv[5] || 'en-bg';
velizarn / validate_email.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Email address validation with Mailgun
function validate_email($email)
$key = ''; // Setup Mailgun public key
if (function_exists('filter_var')) {
velizarn / eclipse-start.bat
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Select Java version and then start Eclipse executable file located in the same directory with runtime parameters "-clean" and "-vm" according to selected JDK.
@echo off
set /p javaVersion=Please choose Java version (type 6, 7, 8 or 0 for exit): %=%
IF "%javaVersion%" == "6" (
start /d %CD% eclipse.exe -clean -vm "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/javaw.exe"
) ELSE IF "%javaVersion%" == "7" (
velizarn / create-css-sprites.php
Last active January 1, 2016 16:39
When you have a number of small images that appear on a page it makes sense to use CSS sprites to speed-up the rendering of your web page. This has two advantages: It reduces the number of HTTP requests a browser has to make to download the images on your page; Speeds up the rendering of the images and the web-page due to limits on the number of…
$images_to_load = array(