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Being skeptical of status feature.

Noel Maersk veox

Being skeptical of status feature.
View GitHub Profile
## [It would be nice to import a library, another contract's interface, or a
## parent to inherit from]
## but that's not supported. Yes, inheritance is dangerous, but code reuse can
## be very beneficial as
## well. I believe adoption will be held back by this.
## [Declare a positive number] Why change the type from `uint256`? `num` is
## less descriptive, ie. it could include irrational numbers for all I know.
## Also, will 4-byte identifiers be compatible with solidity?
## ie. `bytes4(keccak256('uint256'))` or `bytes4(keccak256('num'))` ? Or is
package main
import (
izqui / forwarder.sol
Last active October 21, 2021 04:24
Very cheap to deploy (66k gas) forwarder contracts that can clone any contract and still have their own storage
// Bytecode origin
// Modified version of Vitalik's
// Credits to Jordi Baylina for this way of deploying contracts
// Forwarder is slightly modified to only return 256 bytes (8 normal returns)
// Deployed Factory in Kovan:
// Example of a Forwarder deploy using the Factory:
// Just 66349 gas per contract

EC2 settings

  • Instance type: t2.xlarge
  • vCPUs: 4
  • Memory (GiB): 16
  • General Purpose SSD (GP2): 200 GB
  • Ubuntu
  • Running in eu-central-1b (Frankfurt)

Hint: to make your life easier and allow login with a simple ssh btc-0.14, edit ~/.ssh/config:

alexvandesande / ethernalsale.js
Last active October 21, 2021 04:40
This is a first draft at what could be a continuous token sale. I just wrote it and haven't tested it but it shows the proof of concept: tokens are continuously generated in any curve desired and sold for the highest bidder. Since there's a maximum token sale speed, this guarantees that sales can't end too quickly. Since the sale always starts f…
pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
contract ethernalSale {
struct order {
uint amount;
address buyer;
mapping (uint => order) orderBook;
mapping (address => uint) balanceOf;
randyklein /
Last active March 4, 2022 08:20
Simple NiceHash Monitor
minProf= .001 #min profit for alert in BTC/Day
slowAlertTimer = 300 #min time for slow alert in seconds
offTimer = 0 #min time of off alert in seconds
btcAddress = "address goes here" #niceHash BTC address to monitor
iftttKey = "key goes here" #key from IFTTT Maker applet
pdaian /
Created February 13, 2017 19:12
Ethereum Fork Market Data Graphing Script
import datetime, requests
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import json, collections, os
UTC_OFFSET = -14400 # Local offset from UTC
START_DATE = "2016-01-01" # Day to start chat
TMP_DIR = "/tmp" # Writable temp directory, without trailing slash
library LZF {
function decompress(bytes memory compressed, bytes memory decompressed) internal {
uint ip;
uint in_end;
uint op;
assembly {
// OP points to the current output location in memory
op := add(decompressed, 32)
// IP actually points to 31 bytes before the desired location, so
// MLOADs work correctly
D-Nice / DatePayout.sol
Last active November 28, 2016 11:44
Contract for locking a certain amount of ether until a set date
contract DateTime {
* Credit to pipermerriam for this utility contract
* Date and Time utilities for ethereum contracts
* address: 0x1a6184cd4c5bea62b0116de7962ee7315b7bcbce
function toTimestamp(uint16 year, uint8 month, uint8 day) constant returns (uint timestamp);