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Vesa Vänskä vesan

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I hereby claim:

  • I am vesan on github.
  • I am vesan ( on keybase.
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vesan / paypal_bogus_gateway.rb
Created November 23, 2014 21:46
ActiveMerchant testing gateway for Paypal Express
# from:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/paypal/paypal_common_api'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/paypal/paypal_express_response'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/paypal_express_common'
module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
class PaypalBogusGateway < BogusGateway
vesan / redis_helper.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19 — forked from wxmn/redis_helper.rb
module RedisHelper
# decode Redis value back to Ruby object
def self.decode(json)["#{}"])
# encode Ruby object for Redis
def encoded
self.updated_at = nil

A lot of these are outright stolen from Edward O'Campo-Gooding's list of questions. I really like his list.

I'm having some trouble paring this down to a manageable list of questions -- I realistically want to know all of these things before starting to work at a company, but it's a lot to ask all at once. My current game plan is to pick 6 before an interview and ask those.

I'd love comments and suggestions about any of these.

I've found questions like "do you have smart people? Can I learn a lot at your company?" to be basically totally useless -- everybody will say "yeah, definitely!" and it's hard to learn anything from them. So I'm trying to make all of these questions pretty concrete -- if a team doesn't have an issue tracker, they don't have an issue tracker.

I'm also mostly not asking about principles, but the way things are -- not "do you think code review is important?", but "Does all code get reviewed?".

require "faraday"
require "faraday_middleware"
require "pp"
connection = '' do |conn|
conn.response :json, :content_type => /\bjson$/
conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
vesan / amzn_wish_list_transfer.rb
Last active November 18, 2015 21:46 — forked from polarblau/amzn_wish_list_transfer.rb
Transferring Amazon wish list entries the hard way between international stores.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "rubygems"
require "mechanize"
TARGET_LOGIN_URL = "*Version*%3D1%26*entries*%3D0%26ref_%3Dnav_signin"
vesan / routes.rake
Created August 22, 2016 07:25 — forked from masterkain/routes.rake
Journey + Graphviz
namespace :routes do
desc "Writes doc/routes.html. Requires Graphviz (dot)"
task :visualizer => :environment do'doc', 'routes.html'), 'wb') do |f|
f.write Rails.application.routes.router.visualizer
vesan / Rails Console Actionmailer test.rb
Last active August 22, 2016 08:49 — forked from tansengming/Rails Console Actionmailer test.rb
Rails Console Actionmailer test
# Copy and paste this to the rails console to test your email settings
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def test_email
@recipients = ""
@from = ""
@subject = "Test from the Rails Console"
@body = "This is a test email"
vesan / factory_doctor.rb
Created August 6, 2017 09:53 — forked from palkan/factory_doctor.rb
FactoryDoc: detect useless data generation in tests
module FactoryGirl
module Doctor
module FloatDuration
refine Float do
def duration
t = self
format("%02d:%02d.%03d", t / 60, t % 60, t.modulo(1) * 1000)
// Synchronous
use std::{
io::{prelude::*, BufReader},
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let file = BufReader::new(File::open("top100.txt")?);