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Vincent Williams vgdub

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muralikg / background.js
Last active July 29, 2024 14:29
puppeteer screen capture demo. Currently records 10 second video. Change the timeout in background.js with your own logic to stop the recording when necessary. Try with `node export.js`
/* global chrome, MediaRecorder, FileReader */
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => {
let recorder = null
port.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
switch (msg.type) {
case 'REC_STOP':
console.log('Stopping recording')
if (!port.recorderPlaying || !recorder) {
mayukh18 /
Created September 28, 2017 19:38
How to setup flask app with database on heroku

Setting up flask app in heroku with a database

The below article will cover the intricacies of setting up databases and heroku in respect to a flask app. This is more like a memo and will have out of sequence instructions or solutions to errors so read thoroughly.

Setting up a database

You'll need the packages

lattner /
Last active October 17, 2024 21:10
Swift Concurrency Manifesto
mwaterfall / StringExtensionHTML.swift
Last active May 27, 2024 04:36
Decoding HTML Entities in Swift
// Very slightly adapted from
// 99.99% Credit to Martin R!
// Mapping from XML/HTML character entity reference to character
// From
private let characterEntities : [String: Character] = [
// XML predefined entities:
""" : "\"",
"&" : "&",
keremk / Date.playground
Created June 24, 2014 06:56
Swift Date Helpers
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
var str = "Hello, playground"
enum TimeIntervalUnit {
case Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, Years
func dateComponents(interval: Int) -> NSDateComponents {
staltz /
Last active October 17, 2024 14:12
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
glv /
Last active November 3, 2019 14:00
@tenderlove asked about the wisdom of teaching RSpec to new Ruby developers. I have some relevant experience. Here it is, for what it's worth.

Notes on teaching both test/unit and RSpec to new Ruby developers

@tenderlove asked "Is it good to teach RSpec (vs t/u) to people who are totally new to Ruby?" I have experience suggesting that it is a good thing; after a short back and forth, it seemed useful to write it up in detail.


This goes back several years, to when I was the primary Ruby/Rails trainer for Relevance from 2006-2009. I'm guessing that worked out to probably 6-8 classes a year during those years. Since then, RSpec has changed a fair amount (with the addition of expect) and test/unit has changed radically (it has an entirely new implementation, minitest, that avoids some of the inconsistencies that made test/unit a bit confusing during the time I'm writing about here).

I started out as an RSpec skeptic. I've never been afraid of what a lot of people denigrate as "magic" in Ruby libraries … to me, if you take the trouble to understand it, that stuff's just pr

justinweiss / filterable.rb
Last active August 12, 2024 10:10
# Call scopes directly from your URL params:
# @products = Product.filter(params.slice(:status, :location, :starts_with))
module Filterable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
# Call the class methods with names based on the keys in <tt>filtering_params</tt>
# with their associated values. For example, "{ status: 'delayed' }" would call
stevenharman /
Last active April 30, 2016 23:20
Load the Angular.js $templateCache while building assets for Rails Asset Pipeline. Be sure in require the `templates` module as a dependency of your Angular.js app.

AngularJS + Rails Asset Pipeline

This is my hand-rolled solution for getting Angular assets (Controllers, Models, Directives, Templates, etc.) integrated into the Rails Asset Pipeline.

Templates and the $templateCache

Of particular note: this hack will also load the AngularJS $templateCache with your templates, while allowing you to use Slim, ERB, etc. to write your templates.

How @extend Works

@akhleung is working on hcatlin/libsass and was wondering how @extend is implemented in the Ruby implementation of Sass. Rather than just tell him, I thought I'd write up a public document about it so anyone who's porting Sass or is just curious about how it works can see.

Note that this explanation is simplified in numerous ways. It's intended to explain the most complex parts of a basic correct @extend transformation, but it leaves out numerous details that will be important if full Sass compatibility