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Victor Lee victorclee

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victorclee /
Last active June 7, 2017 02:46
API versioning

Things I Learned: Tuesday 06/06/2017

API versioning, namespacing


We created our own webclient for the API we created

victorclee /
Last active June 4, 2017 22:16
Oh the things I learn...

TIL - Things I Learned - Sunday 06/04/2017


When a web browser sends get requests to an API, the API sends back only data, the developer then is free to use all the data! For example, The City of Chicago has a webpage that stores all of their data, and by law, these data are all open to public to use! I used a Historical Landmark API and got a list of all the historical landmarks in Chicago and I created an app that displays all of the entry in a readable way! (not in array of hashes)

Useful resources

Trello keeps track of everything, from the big picture to the minute details. For free!
MockFlow is an online wireframe tool for software and websites.
SQL Designer

Capstone app starts today! Super excited!

victorclee /
Last active May 25, 2017 20:57
Oh, the things I learn in bootcamp...

TIL - Things I Learned - Tuesday 05/23/2017

Modeling schema

Today we expanded on the many to many assocation, using join table(s) to create a shopping cart for our mini capstone app.

Useful resource - WWW SQL Designer

victorclee /
Last active May 24, 2017 02:35
Oh, the things I learn in bootcamp...

TIL - Things I Learned - Monday 05/22/2017

Many to many association through a join table

We learned how to link multiple categories to each product through a CategoryProduct table. And we showed that on our show page.
We also did the same with our contacts app. We assigned random numbers of group id to each faker contact, and got to show these group names on the contacts show page.

Mini Capstone major repare!

Today before class, I spent an hour with Josh to fix the issue of migrating my seeds file multiple times. Turns out, it's easier than you'd imagine! It's great that Rails keep the seeds.rb and the migration files, because after you drop your database, all you need is to reorganize your seeds.rb, make sure that nothing is out of place, and just rake db:create, rake db: migrate, and then rake db:seed (assuming all of your other codes all functioning)! Oh, this puts a smile on my face :)

I <3 debugging!

victorclee /
Last active May 23, 2017 02:31
Oh, the things I learned in bootcamp!

TIL - Things I Learned - Sunday 05/21/2017

We're starting week 5!!

It's crazy that we're already in week 5! Including 4 weeks of pre-work, we're in it 9 weeks deep!!
As we submit our ideas for our capstone app, we are getting feedback from our instructor. It's exciting to see our ideas getting solidified, but at the same time, there's still so much more research to do!

Join Table

Join table creates many-to-many associations. The join table is a third table that you create, in order to document the connection between the two(for example, products and categories). A product can be multiple categories, and vice versa, one category can have multiple products. For example, Air Jordans can be categorized as athletic shoes, and it can also be categorized as street fashion shoes (hypebeast!). In this case, you can create a ProductCategory table to document and make the connection!

Useful resource(s)

TIL - Things I Learned - Thusday 05/18/2017

Purchase (shopping cart) in mini capstone

Today we did a shopping cart for our mini capstone app. We made a form to input quantity and product ID. Although this looks elementary for a shopping cart, but we'll make improvements to make it more sophisticated!

Thank God it's Thursday!

TIL - Things I Learned - Wednesday 05/17/2017


Today we learned how to create a sign-up page, a login page, and a logout page.
For these forms, we learned how to make the password field show as black dots, and redirecting to the correct page.
Session is a coookie.
And we should always give vague feedbacks when someone fails a log in!

After a talk with Josh after class yesterday, I learned that why it's called a bootcamp, and not anything else. Bootcamps were built to push you and to accelerate your growth. Even now we are are feeling drowned, we are learning so much in such a short time! There is an end to the tunnel. Eyes on the prize. PTL

TIL - Things I Learned - Tuesday 05/16/2017

Cool Tech!!

Chicago Data Portal
Cloud Vision API

Associations in Rails

Today we did more practices in data table association. The pace was really fast. Head is currently a blur

Password Encryption

We learn the very basic concept of password encryption, and was introduced to bcrypt gem and benchmark gem.

TIL - Things I Learned - Monday 05/15/2017

Cool Tech!!

device - Authentication
Twilio - bots
Haml, an abstract HTML

Associations in Rails

The concept of linking two tables can be confusing, but thinking it as farmers branding cows was really helpful (credit: Josh Nixon)!
We can just write belongs_to and has_many, and Rails magic happens! :)

victorclee /
Last active May 14, 2017 22:18
TIL May 14, 2017

TIL - Things I Learned - Sunday 05/14/2017

Active Record Querying
To retrieve objects from the database, Active Record provides several finder methods. Each finder method allows you to pass arguments into it to perform certain queries on your database without writing raw SQL.

We learned how to create new links to sort the items in our mini capstone app in either ascending or descending approach in the navbar, using query params.

Connect, Coffee, Interview

Today we each connected with 50 web developers in the Chicago area. We're making an early effort to make ourselves known!