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vidalinda1 /
Last active January 10, 2018 04:19
Turing Prework

1st day

#On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code? HTML's purppose is to describe the structure of the page by using elements
#What is the difference between an element and a tag? the element contains tags as well as the information or description in between the tags
#Why do we use attributes in HTML elements? Attributes tell us more about elements, they provide addional information about the contents of an element.
#Describe the purpose of the head, title, and body HTML elements. * Head = The head element contains information about the page and it usually contains the title element.

Pick out 3 behaviors that resonate with you in the list and describe why they resonate with you in a reflection

I am still amazed that the philosophy of open source projects has taken such hold in the tech world. In a society that is so defined by capitalism and placing monetary value on everything we do, the fact that even for-profit companies are seeing the benifits of open-sourcing their code is a dramatic shift that I'm not sure we have fully come to appreciate yet. It's incredible that people like me have the opportunity to dive in to code built by some of the worlds best developers to learn from and gain inspiration.
I have a good friend who works in process automation, and its very impressive to see how much time can be saved with simple scripting tools. The same concept applies to everything - the core of any skill is the ability to use the tools of the trade well. It's an important learning goal of mine to use my time at Turing to not just learn front end development,

vidalinda1 /
Last active January 14, 2018 02:40
Gear up

#why are we talking about empathy at a software development school? Is Turing mission's, to unlock human potential by training a diverse, inclusive student body to succeed in high fulfillment technical careers.

#how can you develop the "skill" of empathy? work on self-awareness, evaluating ourselves on the way we treat other people, how we react to different situations and if we're feeling compassion and helping others when needed.

#and why should you care? empathy is a very important skill that not only affects our personal lifes but also has a significant impact on our professional success. Also is extremely important when working with teams

#What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you? Empathy is very important for me, specially because I personally was born in a 3rd world country and I've seen and lived lots of difficult situations. It's always very important for me to help people and be compassionate.