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Viktor Taranenko viktortnk

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danielbayley / starcraft-mass-recall.rb
Last active August 13, 2021 18:34
@Homebrew formula for StarCraft: Mass Recall
cask "starcraft-mass-recall" do
version "8.0.1"
sha256 "76750def5b63cf58afeb63e9948b5efec23adb436964eb730fe5d800d5a89e3b"
resources = {
mod: ["3246208", "SCMR_v#{version}.zip"],
assets: ["3239552", "SCMRassets_v#{version}.zip", "9277d51c89e3cc473a3b5d588c2f3cdb"],
cinematics: ["2819339", "", "f19ea12979eb8eaf703ed00ef33b7912"],
redux: ["3246278", "Enslavers_Redux_v#{version}.zip", "b61129ef7df2004faa4c08480e447f31"],
bartolsthoorn /
Created April 29, 2017 12:13
Simple multi-laber classification example with Pytorch and MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss (
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
# (1, 0) => target labels 0+2
# (0, 1) => target labels 1
# (1, 1) => target labels 3
train = []
mishriky / ResilientClientSamples.scala
Created February 7, 2017 18:26
Samples for Finagle Client Configuration
* This is not meant to cover ALL possible ways of creating service clients; instead it focuses on the simplest way to
* do so, while maintaining the capability to customize the clients based on service level agreements/expectations
* @note Most of the filters can be applied to the HTTP client as well but have been omitted from the sample code to improve
* readability
trait ClientSamples extends LazyLogging {
private[this] lazy val config = ConfigFactory.load()
alexey-milovidov / nested.txt
Created June 17, 2016 21:15
Example of Nested data type in ClickHouse.
:) CREATE TABLE test.nested (EventDate Date, UserID UInt64, Attrs Nested(Key String, Value String)) ENGINE = MergeTree(EventDate, UserID, 8192)
CREATE TABLE test.nested
EventDate Date,
UserID UInt64,
Attrs Nested(
Key String,
Value String)
) ENGINE = MergeTree(EventDate, UserID, 8192)
cjus / sample-nginx.conf
Last active July 12, 2023 14:59
AngularJS Nginx and html5Mode
server {
root /usr/share/html;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
tmaiaroto / image-proxy.conf
Last active December 16, 2021 03:23
Nginx Image Filter Resize Proxy Service
# Feel free to change this path of course (and keys_zone value as well, but also change the usage of it below).
proxy_cache_path /var/www/cache/resized levels=1:2 keys_zone=resizedimages:10m max_size=1G;
# Gzip was on in another conf file of mine...You may need to uncomment the next line.
#gzip on;
gzip_disable msie6;
gzip_static on;
gzip_comp_level 4;
gzip_proxied any;
# Again, be careful that you aren't overwriting some other setting from another config's http {} section.
import com.twitter.util.{Future => TwFuture}
import scala.concurrent.{Future => ScFuture, promise => ScPromise}
implicit def twFutureToScala[T](twFuture: TwFuture[T]): ScFuture[T] = {
val prom = ScPromise[T]
twFuture.onSuccess { res: T =>
twFuture.onFailure { t: Throwable =>
bhudgeons / AggregationFrameworkTest.scala
Created February 21, 2012 16:24
MongoDB Aggregation Framework Via Casbah
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
* Simple test of the MongoDB Aggregation Framework via Casbah
* [Note: only works on MongoDB 2.1+]
* The "students" collection consists of student test score records that [simplified] look like this:
myobie / mountain-lion-brew-setup.markdown
Created February 18, 2012 20:14
Get Mountain Lion and Homebrew to Be Happy

Get Mountain Lion and Homebrew to Be Happy

1) Install XCode 4.4 into /Applications

Get it from the App Store.

2) Install Command Line Tools

In XCode's Preferences > Downloads you can install command line tools.

chrsan / AkkaUnfilteredSample.scala
Created February 17, 2012 09:47
Akka 2.0 unfiltered RESTful sample
package akka.unfiltered
import akka.dispatch.Future
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
import unfiltered.Async
import unfiltered.request._