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Vinnie Falco vinniefalco

Working from home
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/** Push an object formed by popping `n` key/value pairs from the stack.
This function pushes an @ref object value
onto the stack. The object is formed by first
popping the top `n` key/value pairs from the
stack. If the stack contains fewer than `n`
key/value pairs, or if any of the top `n` key/value
pairs on the stack does not consist of exactly one
key followed by one value, the behavior is undefined.
/** Push an array formed by popping `n` values from the stack.
This function pushes an @ref array value
onto the stack. The array is formed by first
popping the top `n` values from the stack.
If the stack contains fewer than `n` values,
or if any of the top `n` values on the stack
is a key, the behavior is undefined.
@param n The number of values to pop from the
// Construct the builder using a local buffer
char temp[4096];
value_builder vb( storage_ptr(), temp, sizeof(temp) );
// Create a monotonic resource with a local initial buffer
char buf[4096];
monotonic_resource mr( buf, sizeof(buf) );
// The builder will create a value using `mr`
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ZERO_CHECK, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>Checking File Globs
1>Checking Build System
2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: boost_json, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: limits, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
4>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: Continuous, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
4>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
5>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: Experimental, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
5>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
6>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: Nightly, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>------ Build started: Project: tests-beast-core, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
2>------ Build started: Project: tests-beast-http, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>libboost_filesystem-vc142-mt-sgd-x32-1_74.lib(unique_path.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider@8 referenced in function "void __cdecl boost::filesystem::detail::`anonymous namespace'::system_crypt_random(void *,unsigned int,class boost::system::error_code *)" (?system_crypt_random@?A0xf1b31349@detail@filesystem@boost@@YAXPAXIPAVerror_code@system@4@@Z)
1>libboost_filesystem-vc142-mt-sgd-x32-1_74.lib(unique_path.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _BCryptGenRandom@16 referenced in function "void __cdecl boost::filesystem::detail::`anonymous namespace'::system_crypt_random(void *,unsigned int,class boost::system::error_code *)" (?system_crypt_random@?A0xf1b31349@detail@filesystem@boost@@YAXPAXIPAVerror_code@system@4@@Z)
1>libboost_filesystem-vc142-mt-sgd-x32-1_74.lib(unique_path.obj) : err
static constexpr result(basic_parser::*(jump_table[256]))(Handler&, const_stream&) = {
err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err,
err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err,
err, err,
&basic_parser::parse_string<true, Handler>,
err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err, err,
&basic_parser::parse_number<true, '-', Handler>,
AllowComments ? &basic_parser::parse_comment<true, true, TrailingCommas, Handler> : err,
&basic_parser::parse_number<true, '0', Handler>,
July 10, 2020
Dear Members of the Ransom Everglades Community,
In the weeks since the killing of George Floyd, our nation as a whole, including members of our own community, has been engaged in conversation and reflection about racism and racial injustice. On Juneteenth-June 19th, the RE Black alumni community sent an unambiguous letter to us, outlining their concerns and suggestions for change. During two subsequent virtual town halls, these members of our community shared their recollections of acts of discrimination and racism from their days on RE’s campuses. We acknowledge these experiences, and we are deeply moved. We are grateful to those who stepped forward.
All students must have the opportunity to thrive and flourish in an inclusive learning environment, free from all forms of discrimination and racism. We are more committed than ever to ensuring that our school embraces an inclusive mindset with equality of opportunity. We are resolute in our efforts to be a school that not only does not tolerat
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),1000,6812,315
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),828,5161,344
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),840,5189,348
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),840,5184,348
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),840,5175,348
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),840,5200,347
Parse canada.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),347
New Code:
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),8000,5280,74
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),8316,5001,81
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),8715,5220,81
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),8340,5009,81
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),8320,5044,80
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),8652,5181,81
Parse test/small-ints.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),81
Old parse number
Parse integers-32.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),2000,7495,352
Parse integers-32.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),1452,5046,380
Parse integers-32.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),1491,5177,380
Parse integers-32.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),1440,5039,377
Parse integers-32.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),1491,5186,380
Parse integers-32.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),1491,5184,380
Parse integers-64.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),5000,5370,541
Parse integers-64.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),4872,5236,541
Parse integers-64.json,clang x64/sse2,boost (pool),4872,5222,542