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Vin Aceto vinnyA3

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getify / ex1.js
Last active July 23, 2022 19:55
class vs OLOO
class Foo {
constructor(x,y,z) {
Object.assign(this,{ x, y, z });
hello() {
console.log(this.x + this.y + this.z);
bobbygrace /
Last active April 22, 2024 10:15
Trello CSS Guide

Hello, visitors! If you want an updated version of this styleguide in repo form with tons of real-life examples… check out Trellisheets!

Trello CSS Guide

“I perfectly understand our CSS. I never have any issues with cascading rules. I never have to use !important or inline styles. Even though somebody else wrote this bit of CSS, I know exactly how it works and how to extend it. Fixes are easy! I have a hard time breaking our CSS. I know exactly where to put new CSS. We use all of our CSS and it’s pretty small overall. When I delete a template, I know the exact corresponding CSS file and I can delete it all at once. Nothing gets left behind.”

You often hear updog saying stuff like this. Who’s updog? Not much, who is up with you?

jareware /
Last active April 23, 2024 22:13
Advanced SCSS, or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do

⇐ back to the gist-blog at

Advanced SCSS

Or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do. I'd rather have kept it to a nice round number like 10, but they just kept coming. Sorry.

I've been using SCSS/SASS for most of my styling work since 2009, and I'm a huge fan of Compass (by the great @chriseppstein). It really helped many of us through the darkest cross-browser crap. Even though browsers are increasingly playing nice with CSS, another problem has become very topical: managing the complexity in stylesheets as our in-browser apps get larger and larger. SCSS is an indispensable tool for dealing with this.

This isn't an introduction to the language by a long shot; many things probably won't make sense unless you have some SCSS under your belt already. That said, if you're not yet comfy with the basics, check out the aweso

AliMD / gist:3344523
Created August 13, 2012 22:28
All github Emoji (Smiles)

All github Emoji (Smiles)

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MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active May 9, 2024 06:43
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname