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Mr. Pacman vinyar

  • Launch Consulting
  • Seattle
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echo Validation key written.
@echo on
> C:\chef\client.rb (
echo.log_level :info
echo.log_location STDOUT
default['ge_opsware_agent']['agent_dir'] = "/opt/opsware/stage/agent"
directory node['ge_opsware_agent']['agent_dir'] do
owner "root"
# include Windows::Helper from Opscode Windows Cookbook
::Chef::Recipe.send(:include, Windows::Helper)
# now you can call helper methods like win_friendly_path directly
my_batch_file = win_friendly_path(
::File.join( node['cookbook']['batch_dir'],'foo.bat'))
execute "My batch file" do
command my_batch_file
creates "e:/logs/my_batch_file.log"
vinyar / metadata.rb
Created June 27, 2014 23:22
Optional dependencies for metadata.rb (untested)
if platform_family?("windows")
depends 'windows'
depends '7-zip'
vinyar / TK on windows.txt
Created July 11, 2014 01:37
Test Kitchen blowing up due to dep-selector
Salims TK on windows host
C:\Users\vinyara\Documents\clients> cd .\ge_tk
C:\Users\vinyara\Documents\clients\ge_tk> git clone
Cloning into 'tk-windows'...
remote: Counting objects: 39, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 39 (delta 6), reused 35 (delta 4)
Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done.
C:\Users\vinyara\Documents\clients\ge_tk> cd .\tk-windows
56 puts node['ge_netbackup']['bpcd_start_command']
57 service "bpcd" do
58 start_command node['ge_netbackup']['bpcd_start_command']
59 action :start
60 end
> [#] Recipe: ge_netbackup::configure_linux
> [#] * service[bpcd] action start[2014-07-11T15:38:53-04:00] INFO: Processing service[bpcd] action start (ge_netbackup::configure_linux line 57)
> [#]
> [#] * service[bpcd]: unable to locate the init.d script!
require 'chef/provider'
require 'restclient'
class Chef
class Provider
class Artifact < Chef::Provider
def load_current_resource
@current_resource =
art_user = new_resource.user
$datacenter = Get-Datacenter -Name "DATACENTER NAME"
$cluster = Get-Cluster -Name "CLUSTER NAME" -Location $datacenter
$TemplateName = "TEMPLATE NAME"
$Template = Get-Template -Name $TemplateName -Location $datacenter
$Datastore = Get-DatastoreCluster -Name "DATASTORE NAME"
$ResourcePool = Get-ResourcePool -Name "RESOURCE POOL NAME" -Location $cluster
$folder = "FOLDER NAME"
$vmname = "VM NAME"
vinyar / custom resource definition.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
handing undefined attributes in chef/ruby loops
chef:recipe > a = 'stuff'
chef:recipe >
chef:recipe > service 'testing_start' do
chef:recipe > action defined?(a) ? :start : :stop
chef:recipe ?> end
=> <service[testing_start] @name: "testing_start" @noop: nil @before: nil @params: {} @provider: nil @allowed_actions: [:nothing, :enable, :disable, :start, :stop, :restart, :reload] @action: [:start] @updated: false @updated_by_last_action: false @supports: {:restart=>false, :reload=>false, :status=>false} @ignore_failure: false @retries: 0 @retry_delay: 2 @source_line: "(irb#2):144:in `irb_binding'" @guard_interpreter: :default @elapsed_time: 0 @resource_name: :service @service_name: "testing_start" @enabled: nil @running: nil @parameters: nil @pattern: "testing_start" @start_command: nil @stop_command: nil @status_command: nil @restart_command: nil @reload_command: nil @init_command: nil @priority: nil @cookbook_name: nil @recipe_name: nil>
chef:recipe >
chef:recipe >
chef:recipe > d
chef:attributes >
chef:attributes > default['ge_registry_framework']['HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\TCPIP\v6Transition'] =
chef:attributes > {:name => 'Force_Tuneling', :type => :multi_string, :data => 'Enabled'}
=> {:name=>"Force_Tuneling", :type=>:multi_string, :data=>"Enabled"}
chef:attributes >
chef:attributes > recipe_mode
chef:recipe >
chef:recipe >
chef:recipe >
chef:recipe > node['ge_registry_framework'].each do |k,v|