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vmakarova /
Created August 29, 2017 13:23
Implement oVirt integration tests using Lago

GSoC oVirt project description

oVirt is a virtualization platform aimed for management of virtual machines, storages and virtualized networks. The goal of this GSoC project is to improve oVirt system tests component. The system tests component should be extended with as many new tests as possible to cover different situations. Writing tests is a perfect way to understand the project. It eases the learning of the way oVirt project works and the reasons why it doesn't work sometimes. The acquired knowledge also would be useful form me in the future.


vmakarova /
Last active August 29, 2017 11:30
Implement oVirt integration tests using Lago

GSoC oVirt project description

oVirt is a virtualization platform aimed for management of virtual machines, storages and virtualized networks. The goal of this GSoC project is to improve oVirt system tests component. The system tests component should be extended with as many new tests as possible to cover different situations. Writing tests is a perfect way to understand the project. It eases the learning of the way oVirt project works and the reasons why it doesn't work sometimes. The acquired knowledge also would be useful form me in the future.
