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Starting from version %version, all LeoFS nodes are running as non-privileged user leofs in official Linux packages. It should work out of the box for new installations and for new nodes on existing installations. However, for existing nodes upgrading to %version (or later) from earlier versions the change might be not seamless. Compared to the usual upgrade procedure described at System Maintenance, extra steps are needed. There are a few options, depending on how the node was configured.

Users that are running installations with default paths (e.g. queue and mnesia in /usr/local/leofs/<version>/leo_*/work, log files in /usr/local/leofs/<version>/leo_*/log, storage data files in /usr/local/leofs/<version>/leo_*) and follow original upgrade procedure should do the following:

  1. During upgrade of node (of any type), after stopping the old version and after copying or moving mnesia / log / queue / data

About environment config files

Starting from version 1.3.3, some environment variables used by launch scripts can be redefined in "environment" config files. They have shell syntax and are read by launch scripts. Their names are:
