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* This file is part of the tknet project.
* which be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included
* in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
* information to ensure the GNU General Public License
* version 3.0 requirements will be met:
* Copyright (C) 2012 Zhong Wei <> .
#include <stdint.h>
* a typical doubly-linked list node
struct list_node {
struct list_node *prev, *next;
* list node constructor (circular list)
#define LIST_NODE_CONS(_ln) \
(_ln).prev = &(_ln); \
(_ln).next = &(_ln)
* list iterator
* One of the reasons that my list iterator is designed this way
* is that the advantage to manipulate list as a string (e.g.
* insert a string of list between two nodes) instead of just
* one node.
struct list_it {
struct list_node *now, *last;
#define LIST_CONS(_it) \
(_it).now = NULL; \
(_it).last = NULL
* get a iterator pointing to a list node.
static __inline struct list_it
list_get_it(struct list_node *in_node)
struct list_it res;
if (in_node == NULL) = res.last = NULL;
else { = in_node;
res.last = in_node->prev;
return res;
* this is the core basic operation of our doubly linked
* circular list, to fasten and unfasten two strings of
* list pointed by two list iterators respectively.
* After this operation, list node i->now will still point to
* what it used to point.
* refer to doc/pics/list_tk.png
static __inline void
list_tk(struct list_it *i0, struct list_it *i1)
if (i0->now == NULL)
*i0 = *i1;
else if (i1->now == NULL)
*i1 = *i0;
i0->now->prev = i1->last;
i0->last->next = i1->now;
i1->now->prev = i0->last;
i1->last->next = i0->now;
i0->last = i1->last;
i1->last = i1->now->prev;
* list_foreach go through a list and call function passed by
* 'each_do' for each list node, until 'each_do' function return
* note: 'fwd' is short for 'forward' which points to the next
* iteration nodes.
typedef BOOL list_it_fun(struct list_it*,
struct list_it*,
struct list_it*,
#define LIST_RET_BREAK 1
static __inline void
list_foreach(struct list_it *head, list_it_fun *each_do,
void *extra)
struct list_it fwd, now = *head;
if (head->now == NULL)
for(;;) {
fwd = list_get_it(>next);
each_do(head, &now, &fwd, extra))
now = fwd;
* the following functions do what their name tells you.
* Generally you just pass NULL to the last two arguments,
* however, you MUST pass 'now' and 'fwd' if you are using
* them during the list node iteration (called by list_foreach)
* for safety reason.
* list_detach_one returns whether the detached node is the last
* node in list.
static __inline void
list_insert_one_at_tail(struct list_node *node,
struct list_it *head,
struct list_it *now,
struct list_it *fwd)
struct list_it tmp = list_get_it(node);
list_tk(head, &tmp);
if (now) {
*now = list_get_it(now->now);
*fwd = list_get_it(now->now->next);
static __inline void
list_insert_one_at_head(struct list_node *node,
struct list_it *head,
struct list_it *now,
struct list_it *fwd)
list_insert_one_at_tail(node, head, now, fwd);
*head = list_get_it(head->last);
static __inline BOOL
list_detach_one(struct list_node *node,
struct list_it *head,
struct list_it *now,
struct list_it *fwd)
struct list_it inow = list_get_it(node);
struct list_it inew = list_get_it(node->next);
if (head->now == head->last)
*head = list_get_it(NULL);
else {
list_tk(&inow, &inew);
if (head->now == node) {
*head = list_get_it(;
*head = list_get_it(head->now);
if (now) {
if (now->now == node) {
/* go back one step so that next iterator in
* list_foreach will go back to ''.*/
*now = list_get_it(>prev);
*now = list_get_it(now->now);
*fwd = list_get_it(now->now->next);
if (head->now == NULL)
* these macros help you define a list_foreach callback
* function & return the right value if you want to go over
* the list.
#define LIST_IT_CALLBK(_fun_name) \
BOOL _fun_name(struct list_it *pa_head, \
struct list_it *pa_now, \
struct list_it *pa_fwd, \
void *pa_extra)
#define LIST_GO_OVER \
if (pa_now->now == pa_head->last) \
return LIST_RET_BREAK; \
else \
* these macros provide common way to access a struct giving
* its member addresss. Specifically, use LIST_OBJ to get the
* list object by passing the member name of a list node.
#define MEMBER_OFFSET(_type, _member) \
#define MEMBER_2_STRUCT(_member_addr, _type, _member_name) \
(_member_addr == NULL) ? NULL : \
(_type*)((uintptr_t)(_member_addr) - MEMBER_OFFSET(_type, _member_name))
#define LIST_OBJ(_type, _name, _list_node_name) \
_type* _name = MEMBER_2_STRUCT(pa_now->now, _type, _list_node_name)
* this macro utility helps you with pointer type cast.
#define P_CAST(_to, _type, _from) \
_type* _to = (_type*)(_from)
* comparator function, called specifically by list_sort.
typedef BOOL list_cmp_fun(struct list_node *,
struct list_node *,
void *);
struct list_sort_arg {
list_cmp_fun *cmp;
void *extra;
struct __list_sort_tmp_arg {
struct list_it it;
void *extra;
#define LIST_CMP_CALLBK(_fun_name) \
BOOL _fun_name(struct list_node *pa_node0, \
struct list_node *pa_node1, \
void *pa_extra)
* list insert is designed as a callback called by list_foreach
* function, it can also be used by user-end to insert a node into
* certain position.
* see list_sort on how to use.
#define __CMP(_node) \
(*sort->cmp)(expa->, pa_now->_node, expa->extra)
static __inline LIST_IT_CALLBK(list_insert)
P_CAST(sort, struct list_sort_arg, pa_extra);
P_CAST(expa, struct __list_sort_tmp_arg, sort->extra);
if (pa_now->now == pa_head->now) {
if(__CMP(now)) {
list_tk(&expa->it, pa_head);
*pa_head = list_get_it(pa_head->last);
} else if (!__CMP(last)) {
list_tk(&expa->it, pa_head);
} else if (__CMP(now)) {
list_tk(&expa->it, pa_now);
* list sort
* struct list_cmp_arg is used as argument list here.
* where 'cmp' is sorting compare callback;
* 'extra' is your extra parameters you need to pass to your
* compare callback.
static __inline void
list_sort(struct list_it *head, struct list_sort_arg *sort)
struct list_it tmp_hd = {NULL, NULL};
struct list_node *node;
struct __list_sort_tmp_arg expa;
BOOL res = 0;
expa.extra = sort->extra; /* save */
sort->extra = &expa;
while (!res) {
node = head->now;
res = list_detach_one(node, head, NULL, NULL); = list_get_it(node);
if (
list_foreach(&tmp_hd, &list_insert, sort);
list_tk(&, &tmp_hd);
*head = tmp_hd;
* this macro provides a quick way to define a list-release
* function for convenience.
#define LIST_DECL_FREE_FUN(_fun_name) \
extern void _fun_name(struct list_it *)
#define LIST_DEF_FREE_FUN(_fun_name, _type, _member, _free_statm) \
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(_ ## _fun_name) \
{ \
LIST_OBJ(_type, p, _member); \
BOOL res = list_detach_one(pa_now->now, \
pa_head, pa_now, pa_fwd); \
_free_statm; /* free(p); */ \
return res; \
} \
void _fun_name(struct list_it *head) \
{ \
list_foreach(head, &_ ## _fun_name, NULL); \
} LIST_DECL_FREE_FUN(_fun_name)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BOOL uint8_t
#include "list.h"
#define MAX_PATH_LEN 16
#define MAX_MATCHES 256
#define T_MATCHES uint8_t
#define T_LEN uint8_t
#define T_ID uint8_t
#define T_LABEL uint8_t
#define PATH_ID(_p) \
(_p->node_id[_p->len - 1])
#define PATH_ARRAY_LEN(_array) \
(sizeof(_array) / sizeof(struct path))
#define C_RST "\033[0m"
#define C_GREEN "\033[42m\033[1;33m"
struct path {
T_LEN len;
T_ID node_id[MAX_PATH_LEN];
struct path_ref {
struct list_node ln;
struct path_ptr *to;
struct path_ref *from;
struct path_ptr {
struct path *path;
struct list_it refs;
uint32_t n_refs;
struct list_node ln;
int debug = 0;
T_ID path_id(struct path *p)
return p->node_id[p->len - 1];
void path_print(struct path *p, FILE *fh)
T_LEN i;
if (p->len == 0)
printf("path #%d: ", PATH_ID(p));
for (i = 0; i < p->len; i++) {
fprintf(fh, "%d," C_GREEN "%d" C_RST,
p->node_id[i], p->label[i]);
if (i != p->len - 1)
fprintf(fh, "--");
T_LEN path_merge_pos(struct path *p0, struct path *p1)
T_LEN i;
for (i = 0; i < p0->len; i++) {
if (p0->node_id[i] != p1->node_id[i])
return i;
BOOL path_similar(struct path *p0, struct path *p1)
T_LEN i;
if (p0->len != p1->len)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < p0->len; i++) {
if (p0->label[i] != p1->label[i])
return 0;
return 1;
struct path_ptr
*path_li_add(struct list_it *li, struct path *path)
struct path_ptr *ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct path_ptr));
debug ++;
ptr->path = path;
ptr->n_refs = 0;
list_insert_one_at_tail(&ptr->ln, li, NULL, NULL);
return ptr;
void path_ptr_link(struct path_ptr *a, struct path_ptr *b)
struct path_ref *a_ref, *b_ref;
a_ref = malloc(sizeof(struct path_ref));
debug ++;
b_ref = malloc(sizeof(struct path_ref));
debug ++;
a_ref->to = b;
a_ref->from = b_ref;
b_ref->to = a;
b_ref->from = a_ref;
list_insert_one_at_tail(&a_ref->ln, &a->refs, NULL, NULL);
list_insert_one_at_tail(&b_ref->ln, &b->refs, NULL, NULL);
a->n_refs ++;
b->n_refs ++;
LIST_DEF_FREE_FUN(path_ref_free, struct path_ref, ln, free(p);debug--);
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(match_d)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, d, ln);
P_CAST(q, struct path_ptr, pa_extra);
if (path_similar(d->path, q->path))
path_ptr_link(d, q);
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(match_in_D)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, q, ln);
P_CAST(D, struct list_it, pa_extra);
list_foreach(D, &match_d, q);
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(print_refs)
uint32_t i;
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ref, ref, ln);
if (ref->to)
printf("#%d", PATH_ID(ref->to->path));
if (pa_now->now == pa_head->last) {
} else {
printf(", ");
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(print_ptr)
uint32_t i;
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, ptr, ln);
path_print(ptr->path, stdout);
if (ptr->n_refs) {
printf(" -> ");
list_foreach(&ptr->refs, &print_refs, NULL);
void print_D_Q_set(struct list_it *D, struct list_it *Q)
printf(C_GREEN "D set:\n" C_RST);
list_foreach(D, &print_ptr, NULL);
printf(C_GREEN "Q set:\n" C_RST);
list_foreach(Q, &print_ptr, NULL);
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(path_ptr_destory)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, ptr, ln);
BOOL res;
res = list_detach_one(&ptr->ln, pa_head, pa_now, pa_fwd);
debug --;
return res;
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(eliminate)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, ptr, ln);
P_CAST(if_fail, BOOL, pa_extra);
BOOL res;
if (ptr->n_refs == 0) {
*if_fail = 1;
struct heavy_path_arg {
struct path_ptr *hvy;
T_LEN longest;
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(choose_longest)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, q, ln);
P_CAST(cha, struct heavy_path_arg, pa_extra);
if (cha->hvy == NULL || q->path->len > cha->longest) {
cha->hvy = q;
cha->longest = q->path->len;
struct path_ptr
*heavy_path(struct list_it *Q)
struct heavy_path_arg cha = {NULL, 0};
list_foreach(Q, &choose_longest, &cha);
return cha.hvy;
struct path_li_exist_arg {
struct path *path;
struct path_ptr *found;
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(find_exist)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, ptr, ln);
P_CAST(plea, struct path_li_exist_arg, pa_extra);
if (plea->path == ptr->path) {
plea->found = ptr;
struct path_ptr
*path_li_exist(struct list_it *li, struct path *path)
struct path_li_exist_arg plea = {path, NULL};
list_foreach(li, &find_exist, &plea);
return plea.found;
struct decompose_arg {
BOOL res;
T_LEN t;
struct path_ptr *hvy, *save_q;
struct path *d_j, *q_m;
struct list_it *Q, *Q_, *D_;
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(decompose_inner)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ref, ref, ln);
P_CAST(da, struct decompose_arg, pa_extra);
struct path *d_i = ref->to->path;
struct path_ptr *save_ptr;
if (d_i != da->d_j && da->t == path_merge_pos(d_i, da->d_j)) {
printf("\t\tpath #%d also merge at %d in D.\n",
PATH_ID(d_i), da->t);
save_ptr = path_li_exist(&da->D_[da->t], d_i);
if (save_ptr) {
printf("\t\tlink to an existing D entry...\n");
path_ptr_link(save_ptr, da->save_q);
} else {
printf("\t\tcreate a new D entry...\n");
save_ptr = path_li_add(&da->D_[da->t], d_i);
path_ptr_link(save_ptr, da->save_q);
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(decompose_outter)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ptr, q, ln);
P_CAST(da, struct decompose_arg, pa_extra);
struct path *q_n;
if (q != da->hvy) {
q_n = q->path;
da->t = path_merge_pos(q_n, da->q_m);
printf("\tpath #%d merge at %d in Q.\n",
PATH_ID(q_n), da->t);
da->save_q = path_li_add(&da->Q_[da->t], q_n);
list_foreach(&q->refs, &decompose_inner, da);
BOOL lpd(struct list_it*, struct list_it*);
BOOL decompose(struct decompose_arg *dcpa)
uint32_t t;
BOOL res = 1;
struct list_it *D_ = calloc(dcpa->d_j->len,
sizeof(struct list_it) *
sizeof(struct path_set*));
struct list_it *Q_ = calloc(dcpa->q_m->len,
sizeof(struct list_it) *
sizeof(struct path_set*));
debug += 2;
dcpa->D_ = D_;
dcpa->Q_ = Q_;
list_foreach(dcpa->Q, &decompose_outter, dcpa);
for (t = 0; t < dcpa->q_m->len; t++) {
if (NULL != Q_[t].now) {
printf("sub-problem @ %d \n", t);
print_D_Q_set(&D_[t], &Q_[t]);
for (t = 0; t < dcpa->q_m->len; t++) {
if (NULL != Q_[t].now) {
printf("solving sub-problem @ %d...\n", t);
if (0 == (res = lpd(&D_[t], &Q_[t]))) {
printf("no luck.\n");
} else
for (t = 0; t < dcpa->q_m->len; t++) {
if (NULL != Q_[t].now) {
list_foreach(&D_[t], &path_ptr_destory, NULL);
list_foreach(&Q_[t], &path_ptr_destory, NULL);
debug -= 2;
return res;
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(try_hvy_path)
LIST_OBJ(struct path_ref, ref, ln);
P_CAST(dcpa, struct decompose_arg, pa_extra);
struct path_ptr *d = ref->to;
printf("try #%d as hvy match in D...\n", PATH_ID(d->path));
dcpa->d_j = d->path;
if (decompose(dcpa)) {
printf("decomposition successful.\n");
printf(C_GREEN "#%d and #%d match!\n" C_RST,
PATH_ID(dcpa->d_j), PATH_ID(dcpa->q_m));
dcpa->res = 1;
BOOL lpd(struct list_it *D, struct list_it *Q)
struct path_ptr *hvy;
struct decompose_arg dcpa;
BOOL if_fail = 0;
list_foreach(Q, &eliminate, &if_fail);
if (if_fail) {
printf("no candidate, fail.\n");
return 0;
if (Q->now == NULL) {
printf("Q is empty, success.\n");
return 1;
} else if (D->now == NULL) {
printf("D is empty, fail.\n");
return 0;
hvy = heavy_path(Q);
printf("choose hvy path: #%d in Q.\n\n", PATH_ID(hvy->path));
dcpa.Q = Q;
dcpa.res = 0;
dcpa.hvy = hvy;
dcpa.q_m = hvy->path;
list_foreach(&hvy->refs, &try_hvy_path, &dcpa);
return dcpa.res;
int main()
uint32_t i;
// struct path D_path[] = {
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {6, 4, 1}},
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {6, 5, 2}},
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {6, 5, 3}}
// };
// struct path Q_path[] = {
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 3, 1}},
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 3, 2}}//,
// //{3, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 3, 5}}
// };
// struct path D_path[] = {
// {5, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
// {4, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 6, 7, 8}},
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 9, 10}}
// };
// struct path Q_path[] = {
// {5, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
// {4, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 6, 7, 8}},
// {3, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 6, 10}}
// };
struct path D_path[] = {
{3, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 3}},
{3, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 4}},
{4, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 5, 12}},
{5, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 5, 11, 23}},
{5, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 5, 11, 24}},
{5, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 30}},
{6, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 27, 56}},
{6, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 28, 57}},
{6, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 59}},
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 27, 55, 111}},
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 27, 55, 112}},
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 28, 58, 118}},
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 60, 121}},
{8, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 28, 58, 117, 235}},
{8, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 28, 58, 117, 236}},
{8, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 60, 122, 245}},
{8, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 60, 122, 246}}
struct path Q_path[] = {
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 27, 55, 111}},
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 27, 55, 112}},
{6, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 13, 27, 56}},
{7, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 60, 121}},
{8, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 60, 122, 245}},
{8, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 6, 14, 29, 60, 122, 246}}
struct list_it D, Q;
for (i = 0; i < PATH_ARRAY_LEN(D_path); i++) {
path_li_add(&D, &D_path[i]);
for (i = 0; i < PATH_ARRAY_LEN(Q_path); i++) {
path_li_add(&Q, &Q_path[i]);
list_foreach(&Q, &match_in_D, &D);
printf("initial match:\n");
print_D_Q_set(&D, &Q);
printf("result is %d.\n", lpd(&D, &Q));
list_foreach(&D, &path_ptr_destory, NULL);
list_foreach(&Q, &path_ptr_destory, NULL);
printf("debug = %d\n", debug);
return 0;
# path a and b are said to be similar when |a|=|b|
# and the sequence of labels in a and b are equal.
# denote a ~ b.
# define similar set:
S(q, D) = {d in D: d ~ q}
# given a set of document paths in D, and a set of
# query paths in Q, test if the tree of query is the
# subtree of that of document.
test_subtree(D, Q)
for q_k in Q:
# candidate set
C_k := S(q_k, D)
lpd(D, C, Q)
# long path decomposition algorithm.
lpd(D, C, Q)
for q_k in Q:
if |C_k| = 0:
return FAIL
if Q = ∅ :
return SUCC
else if D = ∅ :
return FAIL
# choose an arbitrary path (a heavy path here)
q_m := heavy_path_in(Q)
for d_j in C_m:
if decompose(C, Q, d_j, q_m) = SUCC:
return SUCC
return FAIL
decompose(C, Q, d_j, q_m)
# a | b is the merge position of a and b.
for q_n in Q, n != m:
t := q_n | q_m
Q_t := Q_t U {q_n}
for d_i in C_n, i != j:
if t = d_i | d_j:
D_t := D_t U {d_i}
C_t_n := C_t_n U {d_i}
P := P U {t}
# solve the sub-problems.
for t in P:
if lpd(D_t, C_t, Q_t) = FAIL:
return FAIL
return SUCC
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