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wackywendell /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Fails to compile, with a complaint about "foo does not live long enough... reference must be valid for the static lifetime"
struct Foo {
n : int
struct Bar<'a> {
n : int,
other : Option<&'a mut Foo>
impl<'a> Bar<'a> {
wackywendell / gist:10186578
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
Sample IPython Notebook
"metadata": {
"name": "",
"signature": "sha256:7e2b0b3f559153fa30133c48b47ee3b799879a07364ebb6c8e27998d3344c6a0"
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
wackywendell /
Created July 24, 2013 16:42
Code for finding the totient function of a number.
Euler Challenge #70
Euler's Totient function, φ(n) [sometimes called the phi function], is used to determine the number of positive numbers less than or equal to n which are relatively prime to n. For example, as 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8, are all less than nine and relatively prime to nine, φ(9)=6.
The number 1 is considered to be relatively prime to every positive number, so φ(1)=1.
Interestingly, φ(87109)=79180, and it can be seen that 87109 is a permutation of 79180.