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Created January 6, 2020 17:33
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const EthVault = artifacts.require('EthVault');
const PaymentExitGame = artifacts.require('PaymentExitGame');
const PlasmaFramework = artifacts.require('PlasmaFramework');
const { BN, constants } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { EMPTY_BYTES, SAFE_GAS_STIPEND } = require('../helpers/constants.js');
const { MerkleTree } = require('../helpers/merkle.js');
const {
} = require('../helpers/utils.js');
const { buildUtxoPos } = require('../helpers/positions.js');
const Testlang = require('../helpers/testlang.js');
const config = require('../../config.js');
contract('StandardExit getter Load Test', ([_deployer, _maintainer, richFather]) => {
const ETH = constants.ZERO_ADDRESS;
const DEPOSIT_VALUE = 1;
const NUMBER_OF_EXITS = 50;
const OUTPUT_TYPE_PAYMENT = config.registerKeys.outputTypes.payment;
const alicePrivateKey = '0x7151e5dab6f8e95b5436515b83f423c4df64fe4c6149f864daa209b26adb10ca';
let alice;
const setupAccount = async () => {
const password = 'password1234';
alice = await web3.eth.personal.importRawKey(alicePrivateKey, password);
alice = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(alice);
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(alice, password, 3600);
web3.eth.sendTransaction({ to: alice, from: richFather, value: web3.utils.toWei('2', 'ether') });
before(async () => {
await Promise.all([setupAccount()]);
const setupContracts = async () => {
this.framework = await PlasmaFramework.deployed();
this.ethVault = await this.framework.vaults(config.registerKeys.vaultId.eth));
this.exitGame = await this.framework.exitGames(config.registerKeys.txTypes.payment));
this.startStandardExitBondSize = await this.exitGame.startStandardExitBondSize();
this.framework.addExitQueue(config.registerKeys.vaultId.eth, ETH);
const aliceDepositsETH = async () => {
this.depositUtxoPos = [];
this.depositTx = [];
this.merkleProofForDepositTx = [];
const receipts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_EXITS; i++) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
const depositBlockNum = (await this.framework.nextDepositBlock()).toNumber();
this.depositUtxoPos.push(buildUtxoPos(depositBlockNum, 65536, 0));
this.depositTx.push(Testlang.deposit(OUTPUT_TYPE_PAYMENT, DEPOSIT_VALUE, alice));
this.merkleTreeForDepositTx = new MerkleTree([this.depositTx[i]], 16);
receipts.push(this.ethVault.deposit(this.depositTx[i], { from: alice, value: DEPOSIT_VALUE }));
return receipts;
describe('Given contracts deployed, exit game and ETH vault registered', () => {
describe('Given Alice deposited with ETH', () => {
before(async () => {
await aliceDepositsETH();
describe('When Alice tries to exit her deposits twice', () => {
before(async () => {
const startExits = [];
for (let i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_EXITS; i++) {
const args = {
utxoPos: this.depositUtxoPos[i],
rlpOutputTx: this.depositTx[i],
outputTxInclusionProof: this.merkleProofForDepositTx[i],
{ from: alice, value: this.startStandardExitBondSize }));
await Promise.all([startExits]);
it('should save the StandardExit data when successfully done', async () => {
let exitIds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_EXITS; i++) {
this.depositTx[i], this.depositUtxoPos[i]));
exitIds = await Promise.all(exitIds);
const standardExitData = (await this.exitGame.standardExits(exitIds));
const outputIndexForDeposit = 0;
const outputId = [];
for (let i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_EXITS; i++) {
outputIndexForDeposit, this.depositUtxoPos[i]));
expect(new BN(standardExitData[i].utxoPos))
.equal(new BN(this.depositUtxoPos[i]));
expect(new BN(standardExitData[i].amount)) BN(DEPOSIT_VALUE));
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