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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am wadewinningham on github.
  • I am wadewinningham ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9C67 C90E B873 67F4 FE9B 688A A8B4 8584 A571 0E18

To claim this, I am signing this object:

SET @pay_period_year = 2015,
@pay_period_number = 2,
@pay_period_start = '2015-01-05',
@pay_period_end = '2015-01-18';
t.marketer_id AS user_id
,CONCAT(u.last_name, ', ', u.first_name) AS name
,territories.abbr AS territory

My Friday Sep 24


I wake up and do my morning routine of checking the weather (because the Carrot Weather app will chastise me if I don't) then scan email, RSS feeds and news headlines.

Then breakfast. Today that was eggs with spinach. While eating I read the comic book series I'm in the middle of, Gideon Falls (really fantastic) then play my daily games: Star Realms, then Backgammon against the AI opponents.

I see I have message from Gillian Wenhold, Jon Z, and Neil, but nothing looks urgent so I don't reply to any of them immediately.