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- "../../modules/json-functions-xs" tests
- "../../modules/json-ps" tests
- "../../modules/web-encodings" tests build
- "../../modules/web-url" tests build
- "../../modules/web-dom" tests build
- "../../modules/web-css" tests build
- "../../modules/web-markup" tests build
- "../../modules/web-useragent-functions" tests lwp anyeventsocks oauth wsse cli testws curl
- "../../modules/wanage" tests build datetime mp
- "../../modules/temma" tests
"volumesFrom": [],
"portMappings": [],
"command": [],
"environment": [
"name": "apikey",
"value": "XXX"
# -*- Makefile -*-
CARTON = local/carton/bin/carton
CARTON_LIB = local/carton/lib/perl5
PERL = perl
CPANM = $(PERL) local/carton/cpanm
CPANM_ = $(CPANM) --notest --verbose -l local/carton --reinstall
CPANM_PATH = local/carton
PERL_PATH = local/dummy/path/to/perl
SSH = ssh
require Parse::Netstat;
my $timer; $timer = AnyEvent->timer(
interval => 0.6,
cb => sub {
my $netstat;
'LANG=C netstat --inet --inet6 -n -p -l',
'>' => \$netstat,
'2>' => \(my $dummy),
wakaba /
Created June 25, 2012 02:02
Perl script template
use strict;
my $file_name = __FILE__;
$file_name =~ s{[^/\\]+$}{};
$file_name ||= '.';
$file_name .= '/../config/perl/libs.txt';
open my $file, '<', $file_name or die "$0: $file_name: $!";
unshift @INC, split /:/, scalar <$file>;


screenlist - List of screens


Add following lines to ~/.bashrc:

perl ~/screenlist/
alias s="perl ~/screenlist/"
use Test::More tests => 2;
push @Class1::ISA, qw(Base1 Base2);
sub Base2::hoge { 0 }
local *Base1::hoge = sub { 1 };
ok +Class1->hoge;
wakaba / Makefile
Created August 6, 2012 06:57
Maintaining GitHub repository mirrors
# ------ Configuration files ------
config-all: config-cron
mkdir -p local/config/cron.d
cd config/cron.d.src && find -type f | \
xargs -l1 -i% -- sh -c "cat % | sed 's/@@ROOT@@/$(subst /,\\/,$(abspath .))/g' > ../../local/config/cron.d/%"
# ------ Sync operations ------