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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

//Create a trigger from standard text.
[popup_trigger id="123"]Some Text[/popup_trigger]
//Make the trigger a <button>
[popup_trigger id="123" tag="button"]Button Text[/popup_trigger]
// Or even use other shortcodes.
[popup_trigger id="123"][button_shortcode][/popup_trigger]
<span class="popmake-13">Sign Up For Our Newsletter!</span>
<button class="popmake-newsletter-opt-in-offer">Sign Up For Our Newsletter!</button>
<a href="#" onclick="jQuery('#popmake-123').popmake('open')">Sign Up For Our Newsletter!</a>
[popup id="click-open-offer" title="Get this great discount" theme_id="104" size="small" width_unit="px" height_unit="px" location="center " position_top="100" position_bottom="0" position_left="0" position_right="0" animation_type="fade" animation_speed="840" animation_origin="center center"]My content can include HTML and other code![/popup]
// Create a trigger from standard text.
[popup_trigger id="123"]Plain text trigger[/popup_trigger]
// Make the trigger a <button>.
[popup_trigger id="123" tag="button"]Button Text[/popup_trigger]
// Or even use other shortcodes.
[popup_trigger id="123"][button_shortcode][/popup_trigger]
// Using a button tag with the extra css style I had laying around.
[popup_close tag="button" classes="extra-button-class"]Content[/popup_close]