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waseem / easy_tunnel.rake
Created July 11, 2010 05:12
A Rake interface to creating a tunnel using ssh.
# A Rake interface to creating a tunnel using ssh.
# This file originally comes with the facebooker gem for Ruby on Rails:
# How to use:
# 1. Simply put it at a proper place. e.g. lib/tasks/ in your Rails application
# 2. Create a config file 'easy_tunnel.yml' like following:
# development:
# public_host_username: host_user_name
waseem / load_koala_facebook.rb
Created September 22, 2010 01:31
Initialize Koala with application specific settings.
# load facebook information for this environment
# 1. Put this file in config/initializers/load_koala_facebook.rb
# 2. Create config/facebook.yml as following
# development:
# api_key: <API_KEY>
# secret_key: <SECRET_KEY>
# app_id: <APP_ID>
class TemplatesController < ApplicationController
# The template which is going to be destroyed is
# last_accessed_template of current user. If
# template is destroyed and updation fails, user
# in the database will refenrence a destroyed template.
# How to handle above situation?
When you want to create an object and save it in one fell swoop, you can use the create method. Use it now to create another article:
>> Article.create(:title => "Some Fancy Title")
=> #<Article id: 4, title: "Some Fancy Title" >
Instead of returning true or false, the create method returns the object it created - in this case, an Article object. You're actually passing a hash of attributes to the create method. Although hashes are normally surrounded by curly braces, when a hash is only argument to a Ruby method, the braces are optional. You can just as easily create the attributes hash first and then give that to create:
>> attributes = { :titile => "Some other Fancy Title }
>> Article.create(attributes)
=> #<Article id: 5, title: "Some other Fancy Title" >
Parameters: { "listing_services_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"service_attributes"=>{"name"=>"Fruits", "id"=>"6274"}}, "1"=>{"service_attributes"=>{"name"=>"Mocha"}}, "2"=>{"service_attributes"=>{"name"=>"Mocha"}}, "3"=>{"service_attributes"=>{"name"=>""}}, "4"=>{"service_attributes"=>{"name"=>""}}}}
Admin Load (0.1ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`type` = 'Admin') AND (`users`.`id` = 3) LIMIT 1
Category Load (0.3ms) SELECT `categories`.* FROM `categories` WHERE (categories.category_id IS NULL) ORDER BY name ASC
Category Load (0.4ms) SELECT `categories`.* FROM `categories` WHERE (`categories`.category_id IN (1,40,182,244,26,306,330,12,60,75,206,135,195,260,318,341,8,70,87,163,288,324)) ORDER BY name ASC
Location Load (0.2ms) SELECT `locations`.* FROM `locations`
Location Load (0.1ms) SELECT `locations`.* FROM `locations` WHERE (`locations`.`name` = 'Agege') LIMIT 1
Completed in 1272ms
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Service with ID=6
waseem / Gemfile
Created April 25, 2011 12:54 — forked from lifo/Gemfile
gem 'cramp'
gem 'erubis', '2.6.5'
gem 'usher', "0.6.0"
class SmsNoticesController < ApplicationController
def create
listing = Listing.find(params[:listing_id])
sms =, params[:phone_number])
if sms.deliver
flash[:notice] = "SMS sent successfully."
flash[:alert] = "Something went wrong. Please try sending SMS again."
<%= form_tag(new_invitations_invitations_path, :remote => true) do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(:provider, "yahoo") %>
<dt><strong>Your email:</strong></dt>
<dd><%= text_field_tag('email') %></dd>
<dd><%= password_field_tag('pass') %></dd>
resources :meetings, :only => [:index] do
resources :bookings
resources :bookings
waseem / gist:1366612
Created November 15, 2011 10:00 — forked from mikebaldry/gist:1366593
find subclasses
def self.all
results = []
ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |c|
(results << c) if c < PullSource