Extent indicator globe using d3.geo.orthographic and radial gradients - EVERYTHING OF IMPORT HERE IS THE WORK OF @dwtkns
Slippy map code from:
http://bl.ocks.org/3943330 by tmcw
http://bl.ocks.org/4132797 by mbostock
Map tiles from Stamen
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Extent indicator globe using d3.geo.orthographic and radial gradients - EVERYTHING OF IMPORT HERE IS THE WORK OF @dwtkns
Slippy map code from:
http://bl.ocks.org/3943330 by tmcw
http://bl.ocks.org/4132797 by mbostock
Map tiles from Stamen
Tom MacWright's demonstration of jenks natural breaks implemented in simple-statistics.
Rendered by d3js, based on an example by Mike Bostock.