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wdkrnls / .conkerorrc
Created November 9, 2014 01:09
load_paths.unshift("chrome://conkeror-contrib/content/"); // require("mode-line-buttons.js"); // mode_line_add_buttons(standard_mode_line_buttons, true); define_webjump("codesearch", ""); define_webjump("cpan", ""); define_webjump("imdb", "
xkcd_add_title = true;
function sitegen
cd /home/public
rm *.html
cd /home/public/posts
set posts (ls)
ser webdir /home/public
set header $webdir/conf/header.html
set footer $webdir/conf/footer.html
for post in $posts
if test (echo $post | sed "s/.*\.//") = md
wdkrnls /
Created December 28, 2010 10:13
Practice with regular expressions
pattern = """
\b # new word boundary
NCC # Match NCC
( ?-? ?) # Match '-'
([0-9][0-9]+) # Match registry number
( ?-? ?) # Match optional '-'
([A-Z]?) # Match optional suffix
\b # end word boundary
#' Clever chunking algorithm into roughly equal parts
chunk <- function(x, k) {
n <- length(x)
q <- n %/% k
r <- n %% k
lapply(, k), function(i) {
x[seq(from = (i - 1)*q + min(i - 1, r) + 1, to = i * q + min(i, r))]
#' My function for doing cross validation (creating the splits before hand)
xvalidate <- function(f, formula, data, bin, ...) {
fold <- length(bin)
xs <-, fold)
lapply(xs, function(x) {
train <- data[unlist(bin[-x]),]
test <- data[bin[[x]],]
model <- f(formula, data = train, ...)
#lang racket
[make-coinage (-> (listof positive-integer?) list?)]))
(define (positive-integer? x)
(and (positive? x)
(integer? x)))
wdkrnls / on_circle
Last active January 17, 2017 03:50
on_circle_iter <- function(theta) {
if(theta < 2*pi) theta else on_circle(theta - 2*pi)
on_circle <- function(theta) Vectorize(on_circle_iter, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
all(on_circle(pi*seq(0, 8, by = 2) == 0)
# all.equal does a lot, nearly_equal does little.
nearly_equal <- function(x, y, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) y < x + tol & y > x - tol
# syntax can be confusing to beginners
which_is <- function(x, test) x[which(test)]
x <- seq(0, 2*pi, by = 0.01)
x %>% which_is(nearly_equal(sin(x), 0.5, tol = 0.005))
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base
(require racket/vector)
;; Capture the command line args sent to this script
(define args
wdkrnls / chunk_text.R
Created January 31, 2017 02:10
Chunk a text string into k strings.
chunk_text <- function(txt, k) {
n <- nchar(txt)
q <- n %/% k
r <- n %% k
unlist(lapply(, k), function(i) {
substr(txt, start = (i - 1)*q + min(i - 1, r) + 1, stop = i * q + min(i, r))
}), recursive = FALSE)