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welch /
Last active August 27, 2015 21:46
convert zemax pupil data to csv
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" convert zemax output to csv for matlab import
usage: filename.txt ...
reads each filename.txt, outputting filename.csv
sample input file: forPupilMapping_Prescription.txt
import sys
welch / extract.m
Last active August 27, 2015 23:03
function pairs = readzmax(FileName)
fileID = fopen(FileName);
% read the file data
vals = fileread(FileName);
% Convert to string
dstr = sprintf('%s',vals);
% keep only lens data
GLDstart = regexp(dstr, 'GENEARL LENS DATA:','end');
dstr = dstr(GLDstart+2:end);
welch / main.juttle
Created January 17, 2015 00:36
forecast error-based timeseries anomaly detection example
// timeseries anomaly detection based on a forecast confidence interval
// A EWMA smoothed version of the timeseries is computed, and its time-varying
// variance provides an expected range for the subsequent point in the series.
// When the series falls outside this envelope, an event is generated.
// This is ad-hoc and difficult to tune, but demonstrates the basic
// idea of forecast-error-based anomaly detection in a single timeseries.
sub cpu(from, to) {
demo cdn metrics 'cpu' -from from -to to -every :m:
welch / holt.juttle
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Holt forecasting
// Holt forecaster, which models an unobserved
// level and trend component in a noisy signal. The result is a smoothed
// version of the signal which may be used to forecast future values.
// Y is the point field to smooth.
// slevel and strend are smoothing factors, numbers ranging [0..1].
// They determine how quickly the smoother adjusts to new values as they arrive.
// Setting a factor to 0 freezes the feature at its initial estimate,
// while setting a factor to 1 causes that feature to depend solely
// on the most recent point. Setting strend to null removes that feature
welch / twitter-anomaly.json
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
twitter's anomaly timeseries
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:01:00Z", "count": 182.478},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:02:00Z", "count": 176.231},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:03:00Z", "count": 183.917},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:04:00Z", "count": 177.798},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:05:00Z", "count": 165.469},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:06:00Z", "count": 181.878},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:07:00Z", "count": 184.502},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:08:00Z", "count": 183.303},
{"time": "1980-09-25T14:09:00Z", "count": 177.578},
welch / whats-my-line.juttle
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Juttle: 4-way right outer join of a point stream of ids against tables of personal information
// 4-way right outer join of a point stream of ids against tables of personal information.
// The points in the "tables" all have the same timestamp.
// For the join, the ID in each emitter point
// is matched against each table, and an output point is created that is the union of all
// matching points. This demonstrates partial joins when not all tables have an entry for
// an ID. There are no matches at all for ID 5, so that point is passed through unchanged.
const name = [
{time:"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "id":1, "name":"fred"},
welch / points.json
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
{ "source_type": "metric", "time": "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "name": "C750.<test:runid>.live", "space": "default", "value": 10 },
{ "source_type": "metric", "time": "2014-01-01T00:00:01.000Z", "name": "C750.<test:runid>.live", "space": "default", "value": 20 },
{ "source_type": "metric", "time": "2014-01-01T00:00:02.000Z", "name": "C750.<test:runid>.live", "space": "default", "value": 30 },
{ "source_type": "metric", "time": "2014-01-01T00:00:03.000Z", "name": "C750.<test:runid>.live", "space": "default", "value": 40 },
{ "source_type": "metric", "time": "2014-01-01T00:00:04.000Z", "name": "C750.<test:runid>.live", "space": "default", "value": 50 }
welch /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
juttle forecast modules: trends and rate of change

Robust time derivatives

In this example we use trend estimation as a robust way to estimate the rate of change of a metric at a point in time. The constant every controls the interval of data we use for each estimate, and the frequency at which we update the estimate. The trend module (which is more typically used over long intervals of time) is applied to this very short interval. The slope of the fitted trend is returned by trend.rate, and the trended change over an interval as trend.change (which is in the same units as the input field, often more convenient for alerting and display)

Try different durations for every to see its effect. The simulated cpu sends a new value every 10 seconds, so every should be at least :20s: so it has enough samples to fit a line to them. Longer windows will give smoother derivative curves.

In this example, a every between :45s: and :2m: does a good job of highlighting the big breaks in the cpu curve while ignoring the noise.

welch / trend.juttle
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
juttle trend module (standalone)
// model trends in a series via linear regression.
// Exported subs:
// fit: do a least-squares fit of a line to successive batches of points,
// and calculate the trend's value at each point. A fit is computed for each batch.
// ... | fit -in 'cpu' -every :2h: -over :8h: -t0 :2014-01-01: -out 'trend';
// fit_initial: do a least-squares fit of a line to an initial window of points,
// and calculate this trend's value at subsequent points. A fit is computed once.
// ... | fit_initial -in 'cpu' -over :2h: -t0 :2014-01-01: -out 'trend';
// fit_trailing: do a least-squares fit of a line to a moving window of points
welch / sources.juttle
Created April 17, 2015 19:45
juttle demo sources
// simulated sources for demos and tests
// Exported subs:
// bumpy_cpu: a 10-minute cpu metric with daily variation
// ripple_cpu: a 10-second cpu metric with minute-variation
// Exported functions:
// Exported reducers: