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Working from home

Werner Buck wernerb

Working from home
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UEFI firmware (version UEFI Firmware (DEBUG) built at 20:27:27 on Mar 7 2021)
Board Rev: 0xD03114
RAM < 1GB: 0x00000000 (Size 0x3B400000)
VideoCore: 0x3B400000 (Size 0x04C00000)
Total RAM: 0x200000000
PhysicalBase: 0x0
VirtualBase: 0x0
Length: 0x1D0000
FD Variables:
$ cat ~/.sway.log | grep output.c
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:114] Adding non-wildcard output config
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:135] Config stored for output eDP-1 (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position -1,-1 scale 2.000000 transform -1) (bg (null) (null)) (dpms 0)
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:108] Merging on top of existing output config
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:135] Config stored for output eDP-1 (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position 5120,1440 scale 2.000000 transform -1) (bg (null) (null)) (dpms 0)
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:114] Adding non-wildcard output config
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:135] Config stored for output Lenovo Group Limited LT2252p Wide 6V8ABBP1 (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position 5120,390 scale -1.000000 transform -1) (bg (null) (null)) (dpms 0)
2018-11-30 12:42:54 - [sway/sway/config/output.c:114] Adding non-wildcard output config
2018-11-30 12:42
2016/05/29 20:30:48 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Detected home directory from env var: /root
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Using internal plugin for file
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Using internal plugin for null
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/05/29 20:30:48 Using internal plugin for qemu
wernerb / wbuck.zsh-theme
Last active February 12, 2016 20:56
Theme for ZSH based on bureau theme. 2 lines, features time and git status / branch.
# oh-my-zsh w-buck Bureau Theme
_HR="(" #❯
_HL=")" #❮
### NVM
wernerb / gist:6a52e77b0b8974714263
Last active August 28, 2015 08:31 — forked from evandrix/gist:1076041
Using bcrypt to secure passwords in a Perl application
use Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt;
use Crypt::Random;
$password = 'bigtest';
$encrypted = encrypt_password($password);
print "$password is encrypted as $encrypted\n";
print "Yes the password is $password\n" if check_password($password, $encrypted);
print "No the password is not smalltest\n" if !check_password('smalltest', $encrypted);
while :
git --no-pager log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --decorate --all $*
sleep 1
wernerb / wbuck.zsh-theme
Created December 18, 2014 11:01
Theme for oh-my-zsh.
# oh-my-zsh w-buck Bureau Theme
_HR="(" #❯
_HL=")" #❮
### NVM
#Static website running nginx and displaying the
provider: private
instance-template: small-centos-6.5
nodes: 3
dependencies: []
cluster-groups: []
wernerb / genssh.scala
Created July 15, 2014 15:46
Generate SSH public keypair from SSH RSA/DSA/EC private key in Scala
import{DataOutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, StringReader}
import{ECPublicKey, DSAParams, DSAPublicKey, RSAPublicKey}
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
import org.bouncycastle.openssl.{PEMKeyPair, PEMParser}
object genPubSSHKey {
wernerb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
This is a POSIX compatible init script for jclouds
export INSTANCE_NAME="test"
export INSTANCE_HOME="/tmp/test"
forget () {
mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR"
if test ! -f "$LOG_DIR/pid" ; then
nohup "$INSTANCE_HOME/$" > "$LOG_DIR/stdout.log" 2> "$LOG_DIR/stderr.log" &
echo $! > "$LOG_DIR/pid"