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wesruv / gist:9469693
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Dynamic Drupal page preprocessors for taxonomies
function TEMPLATE_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
// Set some vars for ease
$node = isset($variables['node']) ? $variables['node'] : '';
$page = &$variables['page'];
// The good bit:
if(arg(0) == 'taxonomy') {
// Preprocess because it's a taxonomy
$function = __FUNCTION__ .'_taxonomy';
if(function_exists($function)) {
wesruv / grid-mixins
Created June 23, 2014 17:42
Stylus Grid Mixins
// Makes a column for the grid, assumes fluid colum unless told otherwise
// @param columnSpan integer Number of grid columns this layout column should span
// @param maxWidth unit Maximum with of the entire grid with units, e.g. 960px or 100% or 60em
// @param defaultPadding boolean Whether or not default padding should be included
// @param numberOfColumns integer Can specify the maximum number of columns in the grid, by default it is 12
make-column(columnSpan = null, maxWidth = 100%, defaultPadding = true, numberOfColumns = 12)
if defaultPadding
padding-left: 15px
wesruv / SassMeister-input.scss
Created July 14, 2014 19:51
Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.0.rc.1)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.20)
// ----
.teacher {
color: red;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
&--grade1 {
@extend .teacher;
wesruv / SassMeister-input.scss
Created July 14, 2014 21:07
Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.0.rc.1)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.20)
// ----
%teacher {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
.teacher {
bundle exec sass scss/style--blue-alpha.scss css/style--blue-alpha.css --require=breakpoint --require=zen-grids --style=expanded --unix-newlines --precision=3 --debug-info --compass
bundle exec sass scss/style--blue-beta.scss css/style--blue-beta.css --require=breakpoint --require=zen-grids --style=expanded --unix-newlines --precision=3 --debug-info --compass
bundle exec sass scss/style--gold.scss css/style--gold.css --require=breakpoint --require=zen-grids --style=expanded --unix-newlines --precision=3 --debug-info --compass
bundle exec sass scss/style--green.scss css/style--green.css --require=breakpoint --require=zen-grids --style=expanded --unix-newlines --precision=3 --debug-info --compass
bundle exec sass scss/style--mint.scss css/style--mint.css --require=breakpoint --require=zen-grids --style=expanded --unix-newlines --precision=3 --debug-info --compass
bundle exec sass scss/style--olive.scss css/style--olive.css --require=breakpoint --require=zen-grids --style=expanded --unix-newlines --precision=3 -
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wesruv / pre-commit
Created October 28, 2014 16:29 — forked from naxoc/pre-commit
* @file
* This is a Git pre-commit hook that informs you when you are
* about to commit whitespace or a debug function.
* From
$red = "\033[1;31m";
js_yve-ConhFzLauD78ueBazNHPHl3KjDrnyWfTH8q-NRE.js:318 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
101_chapter_one:64 GET 404 (Not Found)
tpPdk.js:2345 thePlatform PDK
tpPdk.js:2346 (2014-09-19 2:25 PM)
syfyFW.js:24 :::::JOSH:::::
syfyFW.js:25 [prevObject: p.fn.p.init[1], context: document, selector: "body", constructor: function, init: function…]
MetricsPlugin-min.js:43 domainName :
MetricsPlugin-min.js:43 key bravo domain
MetricsPlugin-min.js:43 key cnbc domain
MetricsPlugin-min.js:43 key eonline domain
wesruv / ascension--videos--101_chapter_one
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
IE11 bitten--videos--110_descent
Navigation Event Separator
DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see:
File: about:blank
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
File: 101_chapter_one
DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see:
File: about:blank
HTML1500: Tag cannot be self-closing. Use an explicit closing tag.
File: 101_chapter_one, Line: 106, Column: 1
HTML1500: Tag cannot be self-closing. Use an explicit closing tag.