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CVE ID: CVE-2024-22923
Affected Product:
Adv Raduis
Affected Version: 2.2.5
Vulnerability Type:
SQL Injection
Root Cause:
Failure to properly sanitize user inputs in the Adv Raduis application, leading to the possibility of unauthorized SQL query injection.
Vulnerability Description: This CVE refers to a SQL Injection vulnerability in Adv Raduis, providing attackers an opportunity to execute unauthorized SQL queries on the database. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability allows the attacker to access sensitive data, manipulate the database, or execute other malicious commands.
CVE ID: CVE-2024-22986
Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection
Vendor of Product: Adv ardius
Affected Product Code Base: adv radius - 2.2.5
Vulnerability Description: This CVE refers to a SQL Injection vulnerability in Adv Raduis, providing attackers an opportunity to execute unauthorized SQL queries on the database. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability allows the attacker to access sensitive data, manipulate the database, or execute other malicious commands.
Severity: High
Root Cause: The vulnerability originates from inadequate input validation in the Adv Raduis application, enabling malicious actors to inject unauthorized SQL queries.
CVE Identifier: CVE-2024-22985
Vulnerability Title: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in [adv ardius]
Vendor of Product: adv ardius
Vulnerability Description: CVE-2024-22985 refers to a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability present in [adv arduis]. This type of vulnerability allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. The injected scripts can be executed within the context of the victim's browser, potentially leading to the theft of sensitive information, session hijacking, or other malicious actions.
Root Cause: The vulnerability arises due to insufficient input sanitization in the adv arduis application, enabling attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages.
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability can result in the compromise of user data, unauthorized access to sensitive information, session hijacking, and potentially the execution of arbitrary code within the context of the victim's browser.
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After installing the useful program
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CVE ID: CVE-2024-22990
Vendor of Product: zkbioSecurity - 2.5
Description: Allowing unauthorized access to sensitive images without proper security permissions. The vulnerability manifests when a site administrator adds a user or an employee captures their picture. Subsequently, any attacker can view all images by guessing the image URLs, circumventing security measures.
Vulnerability Type: misconfiguration
Severity: High
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<%@ Page Language="C#" trace="false" EnableViewStateMac="false" validateRequest="false" enableEventValidation="false" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic"%>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Web.Services"%>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Web"%>
<%@ import Namespace="System.IO"%>
<%@ import Namespace="System"%>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Net" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Diagnostics"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient"%>
<%@ import Namespace="Microsoft.Win32"%>
CVE-ID: CVE-2024-29291
A vulnerability has been discovered in the Laravel Framework in versions from 8.* to 11.*, allowing a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via the laravel.log component. This vulnerability leads to the leakage of database credentials.
Additional Information: