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INSERT INTO api_user (firstname, lastname, email, username, api_key, created, modified, lognum, reload_acl_flag, is_active) VALUES('Service', 'User', 'some@email.test', 'service', 'dec335babdf3963c310cdee3a03af112:7BgJbicGhvmLwETmUCCaqAV7185NHNPZ', STR_TO_DATE('2015-03-06 23:25:57','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), STR_TO_DATE('2014-12-11 23:05:20','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), 843, 0, 1); -- password is serviceservice
INSERT INTO api_role (parent_id, tree_level, sort_order, role_type, user_id, role_name) SELECT 1 as parent_id, 1 as tree_level, 0 as sort_order, 'U' as role_type, user_id, 'Service' as role_name from api_user WHERE username = 'service';
wienczny /
Last active January 11, 2020 22:53
Phabricator Backup, Update and Launch script.
set -e
set -x
# This script should be run as user phabricator
# This is an example script for updating Phabricator, similar to the one used to
# update <>. It might not work perfectly on your
# system, but hopefully it should be easy to adapt. This script is not intended
#!/usr/bin/env python
Synchronise block devices over the network
Copyright 2006-2008 Justin Azoff <>
Copyright 2011 Robert Coup <>
License: GPL
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