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screaming into the void

wilkie wilkie

screaming into the void
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wilkie /
Created May 8, 2013 00:34
Compiles to a program that segfaults upon execution.
pub enum Thing {
pub trait Foo {
fn foo();
pub struct Struct {
wilkie /
Created May 3, 2013 02:42
WIP Rust testing framework
Compile: rustc
Run: ./my_spec
should add numbers together - Pass
should add with a negative number - Pass
wilkie /
Created May 3, 2013 02:37
OurCS Project Proposal

Automated Sharing for Communal Progress

How do you share good work and information? Do you have to upload it somewhere and then market it? Well, that works for "celebrities," but not for everybody. Let's be smarter. Given a specific metric, machines can cooperate to share work (e.g., implementations, data, information) when the work is reportedly "better," according to that metric. The idea is that over time, all machines in our system will substantially improve, based on their collective progress. Examples include: (a) sharing code/apps, (b) sharing configurations, (c) sharing observations in participatory sensing. In addition to implementing a system to carry out sharing, we will discuss trust issues, conflict resolution (how to reconcile different opinions), and relevant metrics (how to judge "better").

wilkie / projects.txt
Created April 30, 2013 21:43
my OurCS Project Ideas
Alright, my two possible contributions in the area of implementing distributed systems.
1. Distributed Tag-Based File System using What We Already Have
Margo Seltzer told us that hierarchical file systems are dead. The prevalence of the Internet, which is very much a distributed file system without a true hierarchy, seems to support this. Let's explore building a file system that uses the web (hypermedia) to discover relationships between files and explore those relationships through a file system abstraction.
Tools: Linux + FUSE, build a rudimentary file system to start from (it will be pretty much be the solution to the CS1550 FS assignment)
Related Work: LiFS, Quasar, Xanadu (Yes, that Xanadu)
At minimum, we can build a nice proof of concept. Look at a website, links to pages are directories, links to resources (either in <link>, <a href="">, or Link: HTTP headers) are files. File "stat"ing is an HTTP HEAD or HTTP OPTION command. Support for some hypermedia API can be fairly easy to achieve, but explor
wilkie /
Created April 19, 2013 17:21
Print out the log of every commit in every branch.
for hash in `git rev-list --branches=*`
echo `git log --pretty=oneline -n1 --abbrev-commit ${hash}`
wilkie / foo.c
Created April 13, 2013 08:06
C that looks like ruby
#define def int
#define main main() {
#define puts printf(
#define end );}
def main
puts "hello"
wilkie / Gemfile
Last active December 15, 2015 17:58
Retrieves a nice word based diff of a file in git within ruby.
source ''
gem 'git', '~> 1.2.5'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
# a simple wrapper to do an HTTP GET
def fetch_uri(uri, limit = 10)
uri = URI(uri)
request =
http =, uri.port)
if uri.scheme == 'https'
wilkie /
Created March 21, 2013 23:07
Open statement to Jim Franklin of SendGrid

To CEO Jim Franklin in response to your statement (available:

First, how this looks to me: You responded to a threat by some people on the Internet. You put their consideration and your own above her's. You pushed her out because the threats targeted at her (some absolutely violent) started to overflow on your business. That seems clear.

If you are looking for a developer evangelist to 'unite,' as your statement suggests, this can only be interpreted as somebody that condones the current technology atmosphere. You are setting a terrible example to the tech world that speaking out about an issue is wrong. Specifically, this concerns an under-representated minority of people in this culture, of which you, Jim Franklin, do not belong... and telling them that they must act 'appropriately' as governed by a representative of the majority, you, within the context of inappropriate, unsafe, targeting behavior.

In no way have you opened the door for a woman to rep

wilkie /
Created February 25, 2013 00:08
A demostration of what xxd -i will do: It takes any binary file and generates a C-compatible file defining a static array of the contents which can then be #included in.
xxd -i foo.txt > output.txt