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require 'spqr/spqr'
require 'spqr/app'
require 'logger'
class Hello
include SPQR::Manageable
def hello(args)
args[:result] = "Hello, #{args[:name]}!"
require 'spqr/spqr'
require 'spqr/app'
require 'logger'
class Hello
include SPQR::Manageable
def hello(args)
@people_greeted ||= 0
@people_greeted = @people_greeted + 1
args["result"] = "Hello, #{args['name']}!"
class Hello
def hello(args)
args["result"] = "Hello, #{args['name']}!"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This is a simple logging service that operates over QMF. The API is
# pretty basic:
# LogService is a singleton and supports the following methods:
# * debug(msg)
# * warn(msg)
# * info(msg)
# * error(msg)
# each of which creates a log record of the given severity,
module Examples
module Codegen
class EchoAgent
include SPQR::Manageable
# Find method (NB: you must implement this)
def EchoAgent.find_by_id(objid)
# Find-all method (NB: you must implement this)
require 'qmf'
require 'thread'
$queue =
class MyHandler < Qmf::ConsoleHandler
def agent_added(agent)
$queue << agent
/usr/bin/ruby -I"lib:lib:test" "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb" "test/test_spqr_dummyprop.rb" "test/test_spqr_clicker.rb" "test/test_spqr_integerprop.rb" "test/test_rhubarb.rb" "test/test_spqr_hello.rb"
(in /home/wibenton/devel/spqr)
All dependencies seem to be installed.
Loaded suite /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
.............................................Console Connection Established...
Finished in 132.22105 seconds.
1) Error:
As I see it, the big choice to make regarding the public git
repository is whether we host it on pinguino (over http or git-daemon)
or whether we host it off-site. In either case, we will need to
set up a cron job (or post-commit hooks) to ensure that public-facing
branches in the public repo are updated at regular intervals from
the corresponding heads in the private repo.
I would like to suggest that we consider hosting off-site with
require 'spqr/spqr'
require 'spqr/app'
require 'logger'
class Hello
include SPQR::Manageable
# Input (in and inout) parameters are passed to exposed methods in
# the order they are declared in the expose block (see below).
def hello(name)
# takes a source repository (given with -s; this must be
# on the local filesystem and defaults to the current directory), a
# destination repository (-d), and an optional branch pattern (-p,
# defaults to a pattern that will find all condor release branches as
# well as the current stable and devel branches). You may also
# specify -f to force a push to the destination, or -c to clobber all
# destination heads that have corresponding source heads.