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Will Crichton willcrichton

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willcrichton / tree.c
Created January 14, 2013 03:45
Binary search trees (Coding for Interviews)
* Question 1: The three main depth-first traversals are:
* preorder: visiting the root, then left and right subtree,
* inorder: visiting the left subtree, then root, then right subtree
* postorder: visiting the left and right subtree, then the root
* In implementing any of these, you just want to make sure you hit
* every node and that you don't try to visit NULL nodes
name = "gpe"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["Will Crichton <>"]
git = ""
Compiling gpe v0.0.1 (file:///Users/will/Code/git/gpe)
warning: using multiple versions of crate `image`
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ 4:20 note: used here
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ extern crate image;
note: crate name: image
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ 5:30 note: used here
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ extern crate opengl_graphics;
name = "gpe"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
"graphics 0.0.0 (git+",
"image 0.1.0 (git+",
"opengl_graphics 0.0.0 (git+",
"sdl2_window 0.0.0 (git+",
MOVL %r15d,8(%rsp)
MOVQ 8(%rsp),%rax
ADDQ %rsi,%rax
MOVQ 0(%rax),%rax
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ 72:37 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ let self_ref = Arc::new(self);
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ 91:6 note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the block at 55:65...
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ fn mutate(&self, population: Vec<Encoding>) -> Vec<Encoding> {
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ let mut new_population = Vec::new();
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ for candidate in population.into_iter() {
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ for _ in range(0, constants::MUTATIONS) {
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ new_population.push(Some(candidate.clone()));
/Users/will/Code/git/gpe/src/ }
let mut tmp = os::tmpdir();
match Command::new(format!("llvm-as < {} | opt | llvm-dis", tmp.display())).output() {
Ok(out) => out.output.to_string(),
Err(e) => fail!("Fail? {}", e)
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate syn;
extern crate quote;
use proc_macro2::{Span};
var videos = [{frames: [1,2,3]},{frames: [1,2,3]},{frames: [1,2,3]}]
var detectFaceBoundingBoxes = function(frame) {
return flip(.5) ? [.7] : (flip(.5) ? [.7, .8] : (flip(.5) ? [.7, .8, .9] : [.7, .8, .9, .7]))
var predictGender = function(boundingBox, frame) {
return flip(.7) ? .9 : .1
var isWolfBlitzer = function(boundingBox, frame) {
return flip(.7) ? .8 : .2