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Created September 19, 2022 02:57
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m = 3
# Generate test data set
scale_factor = 1
p_size = int(1000 * scale_factor)
l_size = int(55 * scale_factor)
d_size = int(105 * scale_factor)
M = 2^l_size
N, e = (44774502335951608354043148360684114092901940301155357314508676399067538307546121753785009844275454594381602690061553832466871574728524408152400619047820736137949166290404514747591817206669966103047443912935755873432503095952914080827536130899968275165557303493867755627520568588808534411526058896791373252974606364861105086430729757064078675811147972536205086402752245214343186536177015741922559575575911278873118556603923689408629477875537332177644886701517140711134017511229202430437068095342526435886609381176269251580339549071944830141516001532825295594908434587285225415103472279090325281062442217, 29624366183227462965645558392954094074485353876807451497147549927093025197118051280445930543762170853769573962200247669305286333212410439624262142109295839433584663989554419810341266820063074908743295553517790354149623873028162282751352613333181218478850463012413786673509078012976454604598813805735677104174112776060905225493357010861225261560490401501912259585922988353328944884443953564154752191932500561561256069872534626325000901099904014035414792860997025614313564862063784602254606240743545483125618939111639728114664995759380293512809125885893543730614962375399353971677980309835647540883700977)
dp_tilde, dq_tilde = (5013415024346389, 4333469053087705)
def nearest_below(x):
c = floor(x)
if not (c < x):
c -= 1
return c
############# PARAMETERS #################
delta = float((d_size - l_size) / int(N).bit_length())
beta = float((d_size) / int(N).bit_length())
alpha = float((int(e).bit_length()) / int(N).bit_length())
sigma = .35
tau = float(max(1/2, 1 - 2*beta))
X = int(e*2^(d_size - p_size))
Y = int(2^p_size)
print(f'beta: {float(beta)}')
print(f'(beta - delta)/beta: {float((beta - delta)/beta)}')
print(f'sigma: {sigma}')
print(f'delta: {delta}')
P.<xp, xq, yp, yq, zp, zq> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 6, order = 'lex')
index_map = {g:i for i,g in enumerate(P.gens())}
######################## HELPER DATA #########################
import itertools
M_sigma = [(a,b,c) for a, c, b in itertools.product(range(m + 1), range(m + 1), range(nearest_below(2*sigma*m) + 1))]
M_1 = [(a,b,c) for c in range(m + 1) for a in range(c + 1) for b in range(c - a + 1)]
M_2 = [(a,b,c) for c in range(m + 1) for a in range(c + 1, m + 1) for b in range(a - c)]
M_3 = [(a,b,c) for a in range(m + 1) for c in range(m + 1) for b in range(a + c + 1) if ((a,b,c) not in M_1 and (a,b,c) not in M_2 and (a + b + c) % 2 == 0)]
M_4 = [(a,b,c) for a in range(m + 1) for c in range(m + 1) for b in range(a + c + 1) if ((a,b,c) not in M_1 and (a,b,c) not in M_2 and (a,b,c) not in M_3)]
MM = [(a,b,c) for a in range(m + 1) for c in range(m + 1) for b in range(a + c + 1)]
M_tilde = [(a,b,c) for a, c, b in itertools.product(range(m + 1), range(m + 1), range(2*m + 1))]
# Sort M_sigma
M_tilde.sort(key = lambda p: xp^p[0]*yp^p[1]*zp^p[2])
M_sigma.sort(key = lambda p: xp^p[0]*yp^p[1]*zp^p[2])
MM.sort(key = lambda p: xp^p[0]*yp^p[1]*zp^p[2])
def E_f(a,b,c):
if (a,b,c) in M_1:
return 0
elif (a,b,c) in M_2:
return b
elif (a,b,c) in M_3:
return (a + b - c)//2
elif (a,b,c) in M_4:
return (a + b - c + 1)//2
return a
def E_g(a, b, c):
if (a,b,c) in M_1:
return b
elif (a,b,c) in M_2:
return 0
elif (a,b,c) in M_3:
return (-a + b + c)//2
elif (a,b,c) in M_4:
return (-a + b + c - 1)//2
return c
def E_h(a, b, c):
if (a,b,c) in M_1:
return a
elif (a,b,c) in M_2:
return c
elif (a,b,c) in M_3:
return (a - b + c)//2
elif (a,b,c) in M_4:
return (a - b + c - 1)//2
return 0
def E_x(a, b, c):
if (a,b,c) in M_1:
return 0
elif (a,b,c) in M_2:
return a - b - c
elif (a,b,c) in M_3:
return 0
elif (a,b,c) in M_4:
return 0
return 0
def E_z(a, b, c):
if (a,b,c) in M_1:
return -a - b + c
elif (a,b,c) in M_2:
return 0
elif (a,b,c) in M_3:
return 0
elif (a,b,c) in M_4:
return 1
return 0
def trans(F):
ypi = index_map[yp]
yqi = index_map[yq]
xpi = index_map[xp]
zpi = index_map[zp]
xqi = index_map[xq]
zqi = index_map[zq]
F = P(F)
# Replace all instances of yp*yq by N
new_dict = {}
for t, v in F.dict().items():
num = min(t[ypi], t[yqi])
new_t = list(t)
new_t[ypi] -= num
new_t[yqi] -= num
new_t = tuple(new_t)
if new_t not in new_dict:
new_dict[new_t] = 0
new_dict[new_t] += int(N)^num * int(v)
F = P(new_dict)
# Step 2
F_ = P(0)
for t, v in F.dict().items():
if t[ypi] != 0:
F_ += P({t: v})
new_t = list(t)
xp_pow = t[xpi]
zp_pow = t[zpi]
new_t[xpi] = 0
new_t[zpi] = 0
new_t = tuple(new_t)
mm = P({new_t: int(v)})
F_ += mm*(xq + 1)^xp_pow*(zq - 1)^zp_pow
F = F_
# Step 3
F_ = P(0)
for t, v in F.dict().items():
if t[ypi] == 0:
F_ += P({t: int(v)})
new_t = list(t)
xq_pow = t[xqi]
zq_pow = t[zqi]
new_t[xqi] = 0
new_t[zqi] = 0
new_t = tuple(new_t)
mm = P({new_t: v})
F_ += mm*(xp - 1)^xq_pow*(zp + 1)^zq_pow
F = F_
return F
def lambda_abc(a, b, c):
if b % 2 == 0:
return xq^a*yq^(b//2)*zq^c
return xp^a*yp^((b + 1)//2)*zp^c
# Highest monomial in the (zp, xp, yp) ordering
def highest_monomial(p):
monomials = p.monomials()
monomials.sort(key = lambda g: g(xp, xp, yp, yp, zp, zp))
return monomials[-1]
# Rescale a poly to make the determinant of lattice smaller
def rescale_poly(poly):
g = gcd(N - 1, e*M)
monomials = poly.monomials()
highest = highest_monomial(poly)
d = int(poly[highest])
t = next(iter(highest.dict().keys()))
Xpow = t[index_map[xp]] + t[index_map[xq]] + t[index_map[zp]] + t[index_map[zq]]
Ypow = t[index_map[yp]] + t[index_map[yq]]
xy_pow = X^Xpow * Y^Ypow
assert d % xy_pow == 0
d //= xy_pow
E4 = 0
while d % N == 0:
E4 += 1
d //= N
E5 = 0
while d % (N - 1) == 0:
E5 += 1
d //= N - 1
new_d = int(d) * int(g)^E5 * int(xy_pow)
multiplier = pow(int(N), E4, (e*M)^(2*m))*pow(int((N - 1)//g), E5, (e*M)^(2*m))
multiplier = pow(int(multiplier), -1, (e*M)^(2*m))
p = P(0)
for mm in monomials:
if mm == highest:
p += new_d * mm
p += int(poly[mm]) * int(multiplier) * mm
return p
################ PKE SHIFT POLYS #################
f_tilde = xp*yp - xq - e*dp_tilde
g_tilde = yp*zp - N*zq + e*dq_tilde*yp
h_tilde = N*xp*zq - xq*zp - e^2*dp_tilde*dq_tilde - e*dp_tilde*zp - e*dq_tilde*xq
def p_tilde(a, b, c):
res = f_tilde^E_f(a, b, c)*g_tilde^E_g(a, b, c)*h_tilde^E_h(a, b, c)*xp^E_x(a, b, c)*zp^E_z(a, b, c)*(e*M)^(2*m - E_f(a, b, c) - E_g(a, b, c) - E_h(a, b, c))
return P(res)
def pke_row(a, b, c):
if (a,b,c) in MM:
return trans(p_tilde(a, b, c)*yq^(b//2))(X*xp, X*xq, Y*yp, Y*yq, X*zp, X*zq)
if b % 2 == 0:
return trans(p_tilde(a, b, c)*yq^((a + c)//2)*yq^((b - a - c + 1)//2))(X*xp, X*xq, Y*yp, Y*yq, X*zp, X*zq)
return trans(p_tilde(a, b, c)*yq^((a + c)//2)*yp^((b - a - c + 1)//2))(X*xp, X*xq, Y*yp, Y*yq, X*zp, X*zq)
################# TLP SHIFT POLYS #####################
f = M*(xp*yp - xq)
g = M*(yp*zp - N*zq)
h = M*(N*xp*zq - xq*zp)
def p(a, b, c):
res = f^E_f(a, b, c)*g^E_g(a, b, c)*h^E_h(a, b, c)*xp^E_x(a, b, c)*zp^E_z(a, b, c)*(e*M)^(2*m - E_f(a, b, c) - E_g(a, b, c) - E_h(a, b, c))
return P(res)
def p_ast(a, b, c, i, y):
return trans(p(a, b, c)*yq^(b//2)*y^i)(X*xp, X*xq, Y*yp, Y*yq, X*zp, X*zq)
def tlp_row(a, b, c):
return trans(p(a, b, c)*yq^(b//2))(X*xp, X*xq, Y*yp, Y*yq, X*zp, X*zq)
############ FETCH SHIFT POLYS ##################
# PKE polys
PKE_polys = []
for t in M_sigma:
# TLP polys
TLP_polys = []
for t in MM:
a, b, c = t
if b == a + c:
for i in range(1, floor(tau*b) - b//2 + 1):
TLP_polys.append(p_ast(a, b, c, i, yq))
for i in range(1, floor(tau*b) - (b + 1)//2 + 1):
TLP_polys.append(p_ast(a, b, c, i, yp))
# Filter out un-needed tlp polys
for i in range(len(TLP_polys) - 1, -1, -1):
p = TLP_polys[i]
mm = highest_monomial(p)
mm = next(iter(mm.dict().keys()))
if mm[index_map[yq]] + mm[index_map[yp]] <= sigma*m:
############## COMBINE BOTH #################
shift_polys = PKE_polys + TLP_polys
# Rescale them for LLL
shift_polys = list(map(rescale_poly, shift_polys))
# Sort the monomials
monomials = set()
for p in shift_polys:
monomials |= set(p.monomials())
monomials = list(monomials)
monomials.sort(key = lambda q: q(xp, xp, yp, yp, zp, zp))
# Build the coeff matrix
B = [[0 for _ in range(len(monomials))] for __ in range(len(shift_polys))]
for i, p in enumerate(shift_polys):
for j, mm in enumerate(monomials):
B[i][j] = p[mm]
B = matrix(ZZ, B)
############### APPLY COPPERSMITH TECHNIQUE TO FINISH ################
print(f'dim: {B.nrows()}')
B = B.LLL()
print('Finished LLL')
B = B.change_ring(QQ)
# Rescale columns back
for i, mm in enumerate(monomials):
t = next(iter(mm.dict().keys()))
Xpow = t[index_map[xp]] + t[index_map[xq]] + t[index_map[zp]] + t[index_map[zq]]
Ypow = t[index_map[yp]] + t[index_map[yq]]
d = X^Xpow * Y^Ypow
assert all(map(lambda j: int(B[j][i]) % d == 0, range(B.nrows())))
B.rescale_col(i, 1/d)
# Look at ideal gen by rows
P = P.change_ring(QQ)
H = Sequence([], P)
monomials = vector(P, monomials)
save((B, monomials), 'LLL_result.sobj')
amount = 40
for h in list(B*monomials)[:amount]:
print('Solving variety')
I = H.ideal()
roots = []
for root in I.variety(ring = ZZ):
for root in roots:
p = int(root[yp])
if N % p == 0 and p != 1 and p != N:
print(f'p: {p}')
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