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William Desportes williamdes

Catching up on GitHub notifications
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thesamesam /
Last active June 7, 2024 13:12
xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094)

This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything about what's going on.


On March 29th, 2024, a backdoor was discovered in xz-utils, a suite of software that

gtrabanco / object-group-by.js
Last active May 14, 2024 21:30
Object.groupBy polyfill
if(typeof Object.groupBy === typeof undefined) {
Object.groupBy = (arr, callback) => {
return arr.reduce((acc = {}, ...args) => {
const key = callback(...args);
acc[key] ??= []
return acc;
}, {})
n3rdopolis /
Created April 29, 2023 01:42
Build a Linux kernel with a initrd, to test it and its modules in QEMU with a test script
#! /bin/bash
mkdir -p /var/cache/kerneltest
#Make a file system image for the VM, and mount it.
if [[ -e /var/cache/kerneltest/fs.img ]]
rm /var/cache/kerneltest/fs.img
truncate -s 2G /var/cache/kerneltest/fs.img
mkfs.ext4 /var/cache/kerneltest/fs.img
TheSkallywag / stretchoid-ips-to-block.txt
Created December 19, 2022 22:16 IPs as of Dec 19, 2022
I used this handy one-liner to search ip ranges while looking up its PTR record.
The PTR record will have the string "stretchoid". This process took about an hour.
for N in {128..255}; do echo "Testing 192.241.$N.0 - 192.241.$N.255" >> stretchoid_ips.txt; for L in {0..255}; do host -t PTR "192.241.$N.$L" | grep -qF '' && echo "192.241.$N.$L `host -t PTR \"192.241.$N.$L\"`" >> stretchoid_ips.txt; done; done
Credit goes to sissy for the idea:
I then opened up the text file in notepad++ and did a regular expressions Search/Replace (CTRL+H)
def pma_import_resubmit(br, sqlfile, target_dbname):
""" To be used in phpmyadmin dump.sql file imports using python-mechanize
as described in <>
Only call this function when you have already found a 'timeout_passed=' string in browser response
(so you are sure the page contains a resubmit link)
#link = br.find_link(url = resumeurl)
link = br.find_link(text = "resubmit the same file")
link.absolute_url = link.absolute_url.replace("&amp;","&").replace("?", "?db="+target_dbname+"&")
LVoogd / rector.php
Created June 14, 2022 09:48
Rector script to migrate annotations to attributes
use Rector\Doctrine\Set\DoctrineSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SymfonySetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SensiolabsSetList;
use Rector\Nette\Set\NetteSetList;
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;
use Rector\Php80\Rector\Class_\AnnotationToAttributeRector;
use Rector\Php80\ValueObject\AnnotationToAttribute;
jaygooby / log4j-jndi.conf
Last active February 2, 2022 12:04
fail2ban filter rule for the log4j CVE-2021-44228 exploit
# log4j jndi exploit CVE-2021-44228 filter
# Save this file as /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/log4j-jndi.conf
# then copy and uncomment the [log4j-jndi] section
# to /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# Thanks to for a better regex

Proxmox with LVM-thin and why we should use Trim/Discard

Excerpts from the Proxmox VE Administration Guide]

LVM normally allocates blocks when you create a volume. LVM thin pools instead allocates blocks when they are written. This behaviour is called thin-provisioning, because volumes can be much larger than physically available space.

8.10.2. Trim/Discard It is good practice to run fstrim (discard) regularly on VMs and containers. This releases data blocks that the filesystem isn’t using anymore. It reduces data usage and resource load. Most modern operating systems issue such discard commands to their disks regularly. You only need to ensure that the Virtual Machines enable the disk discard option.

razor-x / functions.yaml
Last active May 3, 2024 12:39 CloudFront Lambda@Edge tunnel
# TODO: Setup
handler: handlers/handler.default
distribution: AppDistribution
eventType: origin-request
includeBody: true
pathPattern: /_tunnel # TODO: Choose tunnel path.
buffrr /
Last active May 24, 2024 19:28
Generate an x509 certificate and a TLSA record with openssl

Creating a self-signed certificate for (if you already have a certificate you can skip this step):

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes \
  -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt -extensions ext  -config \
  <(echo "[req]"; 
    echo distinguished_name=req; 
    echo "[ext]";
 echo "keyUsage=critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment";