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William williamn

  • Jakarta, Indonesia
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juno / rcov.rake
Created January 7, 2011 06:05 — forked from alexdreher/rcov.rake
Rails coverage rake task for rcov, rspec and steak
# Forked to get it working with Rails 3 and RSpec 2
# From
# Save this as rcov.rake in lib/tasks and use rcov:all =>
# to get accurate spec/feature coverage data
# Use rcov:rspec or rcov:steak
# to get non-aggregated coverage reports for rspec or steak separately
scottwb / Rakefile
Created February 24, 2012 17:21
Rakefile for Middleman with an rsync deploy task.
SSH_USER = 'root'
SSH_DIR = '/var/www/html/'
desc "Build the website from source"
task :build do
puts "## Building website"
status = system("middleman build --clean")
puts status ? "OK" : "FAILED"

#Kata ScrabbleSets


Scrabble is a popular word game where players remove tiles with letters on them from a bag and use them to create words on a board. The total number of tiles, as well as the frequency of each letter, does not change between games.

We'll use the tile set from the English edition, which has 100 tiles total. Here's a reference for the distribution and point value of each tile.

Each tile will be represented by the letter that appears on it, with the exception that blank tiles are represented by underscores _.

coffeencoke /
Last active May 19, 2017 08:02
Use a sub directory as a rails application's url root rails 3, nginx, unicorn

Symlink for static files

Among applying the changes in the other files in this gist, you need to symlink the directory you are serving the app with in the root app's public directory so that NGINX can serve the static files in the sub-app.

For example, if you have an app at /home/coffeencoke/apps/ as your root app, and you have the sub app served at, then you need to symlink /home/coffeencoke/apps/ to /home/coffeencoke/apps/ like so:

ln -s /home/coffeencoke/apps/ /home/coffeencoke/apps/
weppos / capistrano_database_yml.rb
Created July 27, 2008 10:04
Provides a couple of tasks for creating the database.yml configuration file dynamically when deploy:setup is run.
# = Capistrano database.yml task
# Provides a couple of tasks for creating the database.yml
# configuration file dynamically when deploy:setup is run.
# Category:: Capistrano
# Package:: Database
# Author:: Simone Carletti <>
# Copyright:: 2007-2010 The Authors
richardlawrence / gist:1299371
Created October 19, 2011 19:17
Convert a Capybara table to something you can diff with a Cucumber table
# change 'table' to a more specific selector when the page will have more than one table
find('table').all('tr').map { |row| row.all('th, td').map { |cell| cell.text.strip } }
fny /
Last active July 27, 2020 01:20
OS X shell script to fix RMagick compilation issues when using Homebrew's ImageMagick installation. This script will create the symlinks needed for RMagick to compile. Quantum depths of 8 and 16-bits supported.
#! /bin/sh
# An OS X shell script to fix RMagick compilation issues when using Homebrew's
# ImageMagick installation. This script creates the symlinks needed for
# RMagick to compile. Quantum depths of 8 and 16-bits are supported.
# You can run this script with "sh" in your terminal
# or with a click if you change the file extension to "command".
# You can manually make the links by visiting the ImagicMagick library
o9uzdev /
Created May 3, 2016 20:05
Change Apple OS X Dock size from Apple Terminal

Change Apple OS X Dock size from Apple Terminal

defaults write tilesize -int 32; killall Dock

32 is icon size

Gregg / gist:968534
Created May 12, 2011 13:54
Code School Screencasting Framework

Screencasting Framework

The following document is a written account of the Code School screencasting framework. It should be used as a reference of the accompanying screencast on the topic.

Why you should care about screencasting?

You're probably aren't going to take the time to read this document if you're not interested, but there are a lot of nice side effects caused by learning how to create quality screencasts.

  1. Communicating more effectively - At Envy Labs we produce screencasts for our clients all the time. Whether it's demoing a new feature or for a presentation for an invester, they're often much more effective and pleasent than a phone call or screen sharing.