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Winston Muller winstonmuller

  • Wellington, New Zealand
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winstonmuller / GitBookOfSpells.ps1
Created December 6, 2016 01:44
Syntax reference for favorite git commands that I can never remember
# WARNING This is just my syntax reference for git commands, I'm aware of the implications of running these commands.
# Make sure you know what these do before running them on your own system
# RESET undo last commit and keep changes
git reset --soft HEAD^
# RESET undo last commit and DROP changes
git reset --hard HEAD^
# PATCH create from specific commit
winstonmuller / gist:772560
Created January 10, 2011 09:10
Authenticate .net Email SmtpClient with Exchange Server
public void AuthenticateSmtp()
// Remember to add the following references:
// using System.Net;
// using System.Net.Mail;
// Specify the credentials of the user running the current process.
SmtpClient authClient = new SmtpClient("");
authClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
winstonmuller / gist:772545
Created January 10, 2011 08:43
Authenticate .net Email SmtpClient with Exchange Server
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
namespace TestApp
class Class1
winstonmuller / gist:769276
Created January 7, 2011 09:06
Hello World Test
public void HelloWorld()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("My first GitHub code, merely a test.");