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travishegner / haproxy2apache
Last active May 6, 2022 15:44
A quick bash one liner to convert haproxy logs to something like apache logs so that logstalgia can read them
tail -f log | stdbuf -o0 awk '{print $9" "$6" - - "$7" "$18" "$19" "$20" "$11" "$12}' | sed -u "s/:[0-9]\{4,5\}//g" | sed -u "s/\(:[0-6][0-9]\)\.[0-9]\{3\}/\\1 -400/g" | logstalgia --sync --paddle-mode vhost
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = ""
# This program lets your blink1 device blink whenever Pi-hole has filtered ads
# Have fun.
# blink1 commandline tool:
# Pi-hole
# To start this as a service I would recommend using supervisord
jossef /
Created August 13, 2020 12:50
force delete k8s namespace
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import atexit
import json
import requests
import subprocess
import sys
namespace = sys.argv[1]
proxy_process = subprocess.Popen(['kubectl', 'proxy'])