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MGSV's online system

Why does online suck?

  • Whenever you connect online, it redistributes your resources between offline and online.
    • Generally, a small amount will remain offline and all the rest will go online.
  • If you spend stuff for online stuff, it comes out of your online resources.
  • If you spend stuff for regular (offline) stuff, it typically comes out of your offline resources.
    • This can leave you deeply in the negative if you're ever offline.
  • Being negative is very bad and can lead to staff leaving.
% ruby -rbcrypt -e '(1..100).each { |len| abort "max len is #{len}" if BCrypt::Password.create("a" * len) == "a" * (len+1) }'
max len is 72
zsh: exit 1 ruby -rbcrypt -e
ruby -rbcrypt -e 9.12s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 9.192 total
% ruby -rbcrypt -rpp -e 'pp (1..100).map { |len| goodpass = "a" * len; badpass = "a" * (len+1); pass = BCrypt::Password.create(goodpass); [len, pass == goodpass, pass == badpass] }'
[[1, true, false],
[2, true, false],
[3, true, false],
[4, true, false],
wisq / Rakefile
Created October 27, 2016 01:03
Basic Ruby+git test-before-commit workflow, testing only the changes being committed
task(default: [:link_hooks, :test])
task :link_hooks do
sh 'ln', '-nsf', '../../hooks/pre-commit', '.git/hooks/pre-commit'
task :pre_commit do
require 'open3'
Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
wisq / .git-hooks-pre-commit
Created October 4, 2017 05:24
Quick and dirty Elixir git pre-commit hook that ensures tests pass
exec 1>&2
MIX_ENV=test exec mix git.test
defmodule Benchmark do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
import Benchmark
def measure(name, function) do
{usecs, retval} = function |>
IO.puts("#{name} took #{usecs} µs")
defmodule StrNext do
@character_ranges [
{'A', 'Z'},
{'a', 'z'},
{'0', '9'}
@characters, fn {a, z} ->
|> Enum.to_list()
wisq /
Last active January 1, 2019 12:53
Fetch the winning game titles from the RPS Advent Calendar 2018
wget -nc -r --accept-regex='[0-9]+/the-rps-advent-calendar-2018-dec-[^/]+/$|[0-9]+/$'
echo "===================================="
find -name 'index.html' -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 grep "</a>!</p>" | cut -d/ -f2-4,8- | sed "s#/www#>#g" | cut -d'>' -f1,3 | cut -d'<' -f1 | sed -e "s/>/: /" -e "s#/#-#g" -e "s/&#8217;/'/g"
echo "===================================="
wisq / fix-filenames.exs
Last active April 9, 2020 03:37
Quick and dirty Elixir script to fix filenames with invalid unicode
#! /usr/bin/env elixir
defmodule Fixer do
def parse_args(["-n" | args]), do: {false, args}
def parse_args(["-f" | args]), do: {true, args}
def parse_args(args), do: {false, args}
def fix_all({rename, files}) do
{:ok, stdout} ="/dev/stdout", [:write])
Process.register(stdout, :stdout_binary)
wisq / quicklook.scpt
Created October 21, 2022 02:21
MacOS "Quick Look" from the command line, with full editing capability, unlike `qlmanage -p`
on run argv
if (count of argv) = 1 then
set p to (item 1 of argv) as text
log "(development mode)"
set p to "/tmp/test.png"
end if
# Reveal the file in Finder.
# If QuickLook is already open, this will change it to the new file.
-- Record current app so we can switch back to it after.
tell application "System Events"
set frontmostApplicationName to name of 1st process whose frontmost is true
end tell
-- Switch to Discord and hit cmd-shift-M.
-- This is a built-in keybind and does not require any setup.
tell application "Discord" to activate
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "m" using {command down, shift down}