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wixo / questions
Created May 31, 2012 20:57
"mainTitle" : "Preguntas",
"tagline" : "Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, por favor envíala a través del formulario de o en los comentarios de, si merece ser publicada aparecerá en esta página cuando la responda.",
"questions" : [
{ "step": "01",
"title" : "¿Por qué?",
"text" : "Ok, básicamente ya no puedo darle ningún tipo de soporte a este proyecto, no puedo hacerle mejoras ni arreglar bugs porque se está tratando con información de los usuarios. Y no puedo hacer pruebas con información tan crítica."
{ "step": "02",
"title" : "¿Por qué no compartes el código?",
wixo /
Created April 15, 2013 18:13 para rambot en #limaJS
# Description:
# Send a welcome message to first time users
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
"title": "Hola",
"visbility": "public"
"title": "Presentacion",
"visbility": "public"
# Description:
# Lisp Drinking Game
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
# None
# Author:
wixo / capslock-softtab.markdown
Last active July 22, 2021 04:22
caps-lock to soft-tab

caps-lock to soft-tab

Well, some time ago I decided to use smart-tabs as my solution for the tabs vs spaces holy war. And more recently I decided to override the capslock in my macbook because, well, who uses caps-lock anymore? so I said: why not to override caps-lock to a fixed soft-tab (2 spaces), after some hours googling how to make something like this to work I came up with a hacky way to make it work with sublime text, I will share the links and steps if you want to get the same functionality

  1. First you need to disable the caps-lock key as showed here: (
  2. In that same text they mention to install PCKeyboardHack, install it too, also we will need a complementary app named KeyRemap4MacBook they are from the same publisher
  3. Next, with PCKeyboardHack you will tick the Change Caps Lock and insert the 110 keycode ( PC Application Key
wixo / blogist01.markdown
Created December 11, 2014 01:07
[blogist] Hello world

#Yello world

This is a test

wixo / blogist02.markdown
Created December 11, 2014 21:37
[blogist] Another test

#Another test

this is

wixo / blogist03
Created April 27, 2015 22:54
[blogist] some important test
# Some important test
this is so important
wixo / blogist04.markdown
Created May 14, 2015 21:37
[blogist] Test with more text and values

Test with more text and values


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