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trait Sink[F[_], A] {
  def apply(a: A): F[Unit]
class ListingProcessor[F[_]: Monad](transform: RawListing => FullListing, 
                       save: Sink[F, Seq[FullListing]]) {

    def process(listings: Seq[RawListing]): F[Unit] = {
      val fullListings = 
      // ...logic, etc
val outputListing: FullListing = //...
val inputListing: RawListing = //...
val save = new MemorySink[ListingResults] // MemorySink[A] extends Sink[Id,A] now
val processor = new ListingProcessor[Id](_ => Some(outputListing), save)


save.last should beSome(Seq(outputListing))
trait Sink[A] { 
  def apply(a: A): Async[Unit]

  final def contraMap[B](f: B => A): Sink[B] = 
    b => apply(f(b))
wjlow / randomjs.js
Created September 3, 2019 01:19
Some random JS