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Wade McEwen wlmcewen

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wlmcewen / gist:8106602
Created December 23, 2013 23:28
Override the default environment settings in Capistrano 3.0.1
# Using set here doesn't work, as the git tasks are loaded later.
# set :git_environmental_variables, ->() {
# ...
task :override_defaults
set :git_environmental_variables, ->() {
git_askpass: "/bin/echo",
git_ssh: "/home/deploy/util/gitkey/wrapper"
wlmcewen / fixed.sql
Last active November 10, 2015 15:55
prospector sql
UPDATE "subscriber_source" ss
SET subscriber_source_approved = 't'
WHERE subscriber_source_approved = 'f'
AND subscriber_id in ('SOME IDS...')
AND source_id = '20150707140016042989000000'
AND 0 < (SELECT Count(*)
FROM newsfeed, newsfeed_item
WHERE newsfeed.newsfeed_id = newsfeed_item.newsfeed_id
AND ss.subscriber_id = newsfeed.subscriber_id
AND newsfeed_item.source_id =
wlmcewen / gist:dce5c9b20dfd3822ceb6
Created December 15, 2015 23:09
API-3622 brainstorming settings config for prospector.
# maybe we can handle the cascade db side like so.
select idx(array[22740185, 19161654], notification_id), * from notification where notification_id in (19161654, 52740185) order by idx(array[52740185, 19161654], notification_id) nulls last;
# perhaps we cascade by throwing the contact, agent and mls in a subselect on this collection ordered smartly
prospector_alpha=# select subscriber_id, master_owner_id, r.mls_id from resource r inner join newsfeed f on r.resource_id = f.resource_id where r.resource_id = '20151215223132896052000000' and f.subscription_name in (select subscription_name from newsfeed f2 where subscriber_id in (f.subscriber_id,r.master_owner_id, f.mls_id) and subscription_name = 'Subscription kaplan search ash' limit 1);
subscriber_id | master_owner_id | mls_id
20150320225609690019000000 | 20150320225609690019000000 | 20141203195816310156000000
wlmcewen / old_crap.sql
Last active December 28, 2015 15:51
--- QUERY1 : Prospector newsfeed scheduled email filter
SELECT source_id, newsfeed_item_id FROM "newsfeed_item" WHERE "newsfeed_item"."newsfeed_id" = 9390420 AND (0 < (select count(*) from newsfeed_item_event e where e.newsfeed_item_id = newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id and event in (1,7,4,2,0,5) and e.event_created_at >= '2015-12-15 19:39:34.940333')) ORDER BY (select event_created_at from newsfeed_item_event where newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id = newsfeed_item_event.newsfeed_item_id order by event_created_at desc limit 1) desc nulls last, newsfeed_item.last_event_at desc nulls last, newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id desc LIMIT 50;
--- QUERY2 : Ordering... subscribers?
SELECT subscriber_id, max ( GREATEST ( last_event_at, event_created_at ) ) AS last_event_at FROM "newsfeed_item" LEFT OUTER JOIN "newsfeed_item_event" ON "newsfeed_item_event"."newsfeed_item_id" = "newsfeed_item"."newsfeed_item_id" WHERE "newsfeed_item"."source_type" = '' AND "newsfeed_item"."subscriber_id" IN ( ... ) AND "newsfeed_item"."notif
wlmcewen / query_1.sql
Created December 28, 2015 16:33
API-3685 testing 12/28
--- old
SELECT newsfeed_item_id FROM "newsfeed_item" WHERE (newsfeed_item_id IN (select distinct on (source_id) newsfeed_item_id from newsfeed_item where newsfeed_item.subscriber_id='20150623231104072663000000' AND ("notification_sent" = 't' AND "newsfeed_item_approved" = 't') order by source_id, (select event_created_at from newsfeed_item_event where newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id = newsfeed_item_event.newsfeed_item_id order by event_created_at desc limit 1) desc nulls last, last_event_at desc nulls last)) ORDER BY (select event_created_at from newsfeed_item_event where newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id = newsfeed_item_event.newsfeed_item_id order by event_created_at desc limit 1) desc nulls last, newsfeed_item.last_event_at desc nulls last, newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id desc LIMIT 200 OFFSET 0
SELECT newsfeed_item.source_id, MIN(newsfeed_item.newsfeed_item_id) as newsfeed_item_id, MAX(COALESCE(event_created_at, newsfeed_item_created_at)) as last_event_at FROM "newsfeed_item" LEFT OUTER JOIN newsfe
wlmcewen / Quieting some workers and firing up newsfeed workers
Created January 9, 2016 17:24
managing processes w/o the init scripts
# Note the uniq pid files at the end
/usr/bin/env bundle exec sidekiqctl quiet /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/tmp/
/usr/bin/env bundle exec sidekiqctl quiet /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/tmp/
/usr/bin/env bundle exec sidekiqctl quiet /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/tmp/
/usr/bin/env bundle exec sidekiq -d -i 0 -e production -C /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/config/sidekiq.yml -L /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/log/sidekiq.log -g prospector-prod -c 10 -q newsfeeds,4 -q processing,1 -P /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/tmp/
/usr/bin/env bundle exec sidekiq -d -i 0 -e production -C /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/config/sidekiq.yml -L /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/log/sidekiq.log -g prospector-prod -c 10 -q newsfeeds,4 -q processing,1 -P /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/tmp/
/usr/bin/env bundle exec sidekiq -d -i 0 -e production -C /home/httpd/prospector/prod/current/config/sidekiq.yml -L /
FROM "chs_coresearch"
"chs_coresearch"."listingkey" in
select distinct "chs_coresearch"."listingkey" from chs_coresearch
wlmcewen / demo.rb
Created August 12, 2016 20:30
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'net_json'
class N
include NetJson
uri = URI.parse("")

My largest Sidekiq application had a memory leak and I was able to find and fix it in just few hours spent on analyzing Ruby's heap. In this post I'll show my profiling setup.

As you might know Ruby 2.1 introduced a few great changes to ObjectSpace, so now it's much easier to find a line of code that is allocating too many objects. Here is great post explaining how it's working.

I was too lazy to set up some seeding and run it locally, so I checked that test suite passes when profiling is enabled and pushed debugging to production. Production environment also suited me better since my jobs data can't be fully random generated.

So, in order to profile your worker, add this to your Sidekiq configuration:

wlmcewen / spark.rb
Last active September 30, 2016 16:33
SparkApi:048:0* post("/savedsearches", "Name" => "Wade's bagley test", "Filter" => "City Eq 'Bagley' And MlsStatus Eq 'Active' And PropertyType Eq 'A'")
[{"ResourceUri"=>"/v1/savedsearches/20160930110443923409000000", "Id"=>"20160930110443923409000000", "OwnerId"=>"20081211210137031788000000", "Name"=>"Wade's bagley test", "Description"=>nil, "ContactIds"=>[], "UnsubscribedContactIds"=>[], "ModificationTimestamp"=>"2016-09-30T11:04:43-05:00", "Filter"=>"City Eq 'Bagley' And MlsStatus Eq 'Active' And PropertyType Eq 'A'", "QuickSearchId"=>nil, "Tags"=>[], "Provided"=>false}]
SparkApi:049:0> get("/newsfeeds/20151117150944963050973798")[{"Id"=>"20151117150944963050973798", "ResourceUri"=>"/v1/newsfeeds/20151117150944963050973798", "OwnerId"=>"20081211210137031788000000", "ModificationTimestamp"=>"2016-04-13T18:15:52Z", "CreatedTimestamp"=>"2015-11-17T21:09:44Z", "Events"=>[nil], "UseDefaultEvents"=>false, "Type"=>"SavedSearch", "Name"=>"alpha agent scheduled OpenHouse", "Active"=>true, "NotificationsActive"=>