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require 'open-uri'
def read_zip(io)
gz =
html =
html = nil
class ::Object
# --- USE WISELY --- Trys to call the method name on self, returns the result
# of the method or nil if the method does not exist.
# Example:
# 'A String'.try(:downcase) # => "a string"
# 'A String'.try(:gsub, ' ', '-') # => "A-String"
# 'A String'.try(:nothing) # => nil
Find hotmail addresses to whom mail was rejected as spam.
grep hotmail * | grep spam | ruby -e 'e = []; STDIN.each_line {|s| s.match(/to=\<([^\>]*)\>/); e << $~[1] unless $~.nil? }; puts e.uniq.join("\n")'
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def running?(pid)
return Process.getpgid(pid) != -1
rescue Errno::ESRCH
return false
dir = 'app/views/user_mailer/'
`ls #{dir}`.each_line do |f|
next if f.index('_') == 0
if f.match(/(.*)\.text\.erb/)
base = $~[1]
puts "mv #{dir}#{f} #{dir}#{base}.text.plain.erb"
`mv #{dir}#{f} #{dir}#{base}.text.plain.erb`
elsif f.match(/(.*)\.html\.haml/)
class ControllerHelper
include Singleton
include ActionView::Helpers
def url_helpers
module ActionMailer
class Base
# I want layouts to apply to email parts seperately!
# An html layout is useless for the text portion and vise versa
# peanut butter monkey patch time!
def render_message(method_name, body, layout = nil)
if method_name.respond_to?(:content_type)
@current_template_content_type = method_name.content_type
render :file => method_name, :body => body, :layout => layout
wget --save-cookies=cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies -O /dev/null --post-data="username=foo&password=bar"
# get the cookie out of cookies.txt
ab -c 3 -n 40 -C _mysite_session=c83abbab343278b168e140d33
require "cgi"
require 'MSNSearchServiceClient.rb'
# Create new CGI object for extracting search parameters
cgi =
h = cgi.params
# Search criteria
Giles on Rails:
I've been coding Ruby near-exclusively for years now. On the one hand, I want to tell you we're not all like that. On the other hand, RailsConf is just weeks away, and I'm dreading it so much that words fail me, because even though we're not all like that, an awful lot of us are exactly like that. I'm not at all surprised to find idiots defending the presentation, and that shameful, ridiculous unpology the presenter delivered is par for the course.
I got a similar unpology from another Rails guy after I threatened to kick his ass at a conference. This guy and his partner do a podcast, and in one episode, they had included an mp3 of a black man using racist epithets, including that mother of all racist epithets which starts with the letter N. This other Rails guy was at this conference. He's black. He had been listening to this podcast with his three-year-old daughter playing in the room. She asked him, what's that word mean, Daddy? and he didn't really want to get into that discussion at that