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2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]34.56333 ms on tick() 15.758333 ms on updateEntities(). 19.872156 TPS. 17 Players. 19.872156 potential TPS.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]callEvent() times
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]PlgDisableCmd: 0.0 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]MultiInv: 0.018375866 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]CommandSigns: 7.3830166E-4 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]DroxPerms: 0.005703347 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]SpawnControl: 0.008887405 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]WorldEdit: 0.035510223 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]FalseBookBlock: 0.0482788 ms.
2011-10-07 01:12:58 [INFO] [Performance Log]RawcriticsOreObfuscationPlugin: 0.029844387 ms.
AfkBooter.jar LWC.jar
AutoSave.jar MCDocs.jar
BananaChunk.jar MCSL.jar
BeardStat.jar Minequery.jar
BedRespawn.jar MotherNature.jar
BorderGuard.jar MultiInv.jar
CommandBook.jar Multiverse-Core.jar
CommandSigns.jar Multiverse-Portals.jar
CraftIRC.jar MyHome.jar
DroxPermsBridge.jar NoCheat.jar
* MySQL support :D
* Importing homes.db to MySQL on table creation
* Permissions 3 support
* PermissionsEx support
* Economy support (iConomy 4, iConomy 5, Essentials Eco, BOSEconomy)
* Beds can be used to /sethome
* Beds can be made to be the ONLY way to /sethome
* Beds can be used to /sethome during the day (for skylands)
* Compass finally points at your /home
* Homes can be made public by default
Version 1.14e (for CB 1060)
* If "Permissions" isn't found, fall back to SuperPerms instead of "isOP()", because SuperPerms by itself already falls back to "isOP()" anyway.
Version 1.14d (for CB 1060)
* Workaround for placing blocks below you while jumping
Version 1.14c (for CB 1060)
2.1.1 (2011/05/19)
* OH NO, A REMOVAL: ondeath|entity and ondeath|creaturename are gone; these are redundant to MonsterTriggers hooks, and MonsterTriggers does it better.
* New replacement tag: ondeath|playerkill gets a <<weapon>>, which tells you what the murder weapon was.
* New option: ondeath|natural and ondeath|natural|cause for when the death wasn't caused by a mob or a player (fire, drowning, falling, etc).
* Lightning is now an option for death causes/ will now fill in correctly
* (from Fluff of CommandSigns) Fake player code strengthened, no longer sends output of fake player to the player we've spoofed.
* New trigger: <<t|minutes>>. The message will trigger at that point in the hour. <<t|30>> will happen at 1:30, 2:30, and so on.
* New replacement tags: <<time>>, <<hour>>, and <<minute>>. These do what you probably think they do.
* <<param#>> tags now modify recipients and options. Go crazy, like <<param1>> for a group, or <<player|param1>> for a specific player, or
- /ach
- /stats
- achievements.check
- achievements.view.own
- commandbook.motd
- commandbook.time.check
- commandbook.who
subgroups: []
- /ach
- /stats
- achievements.check
- achievements.view.own
- commandbook.motd
- commandbook.time.check