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David Wolever wolever

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Of special interest:
- The ``Target`` class
- The ``Target.confirm_command`` and ``Target.confirm_git_branch`` methods
- The list of target definitions (``targets = [...]``)
- Using the ``.ak-default-target`` file to define a default target (can be different across branches)
Example use: ``fab ak-dev deploy``
wolever /
Created November 19, 2014 21:28
A simple example of how I do logging in an API client
When I integrate with a 3rd party API, I write a thin wrapper around it to
normalize any eccentricities and provide a well-defined Python-level API.
log = logging.getLogger("acme.api")
class AcmeAPIClient(object):
def get_widgets(self):
wolever / Conly.vim
Created February 3, 2015 20:50
:Conly Vim command to close all windows in the current column.
" :Co[nly] closes all other windows in the current column.
" For example, if the cursor is in the "cur" window, below, windows 1, 2, and
" 4 will be closed:
" +-------+ +-------+
" | win 1 | | |
" +-------+ | |
" | win 2 | | |
" +-------+ --> :Conly --> | cur |
" | cur | | |
" +-------+ | |
wolever /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16 generates a simple dot graph class hierarchy from a set of base classes.
Generates a simple dot graph class hierarchy from a set of base classes.
$ python sqlalchemy.String sqlalchemy.Integer sqlalchemy.DateTime
import sys
import importlib
wolever / ctagsrc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Angular definitions for ctags (
# Add the following lines to ~/.ctags to capture Angular definitions like `ngModule.service('MyService', …)`.
# See also:
wolever /
Created March 30, 2015 16:45
Django signal handlers are stored as weak refs and should *not* be added inside closures.
# BAD: Signal receivers will not be executed because, when the function
# returns, all references to them will be lost and they will be GC'd.
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver
def add_signal_receivers_unsafe():
def receive_pre_delete(sender, **kwargs):
print "pre_delete received!"
wolever /
Created April 21, 2015 15:11
Sends an email to managers with a list of similar emails so a human can help fix typos in password reset requests.
from django.db import connection
def mail_managers_similar_emails(request, email):
""" Sends an email to managers with a list of emails similar to ``email``
so a human can help fix typos in password reset requests. """
cur = connection.cursor()
wolever / ezdirective.js
Created May 6, 2015 23:09
ezdirective makes it possible to create AngularJS directives without checking the documentation.
* ezdirective makes it possible to create AngularJS directives without
* checking the documentation.
* Sane defaults are used (`restrict: 'E'` and `scope: {}`), and the link()
* function is injected using $injector, which which can also inject the
* `$scope`, `$elem`, and `attrs` that a normal directive link function would
* expect.
* Examples:
wolever /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Why I _strongly_ dislike str.format(…) on Python 2
# Python 2's %-formatting will "upgrade" the format string to unicode if an
# argument is unicode, where str.format(…) will downgrade unicode arguments to
# bytes. This leads to unnecessarily fragile code, as very small programmer
# mistakes can cause show-stopping Unicode-related exceptions.
# Consider the simplest "hello world" of string formatting with:
>>> name = u"Aléx ✨"
# Using %-formatting:
>>> "Hello, %s!" %(name, )
wolever / divbyzero.ipynb
Created July 31, 2015 19:48
The unique handling of division by zero across Pandas and NumPy
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