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### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am woodyjon on github.
* I am jongr ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDaqOBFqkNMaPEp-OOAhE10_imk6fExI8NqT0TPTwRe1wo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
woodyjon /
Created September 14, 2018 14:09
Fork Nest for your fork of TurtleCoin

Fork Nest for your fork of TurtleCoin

If you created your cryptonote coin by forking TurtleCoin and you want a universal desktop GUI wallet to go with it, Nest is your best choice. This guide will help you to fork Nest and adapt it to your coin.


I have no idea when you forked TurtleCoin and how you keep up with its development. Nor do I know all the parameters you changed and what you implemented differently compared to TurtleCoin. TurtleCoin-Nest evolves very much together with TurtleCoin. Adapting Nest will depend from coin to coin. In this guide, we do our best to identify the things to modify and places in the code to look at. But do not expect it to be one-size-fits-all. That being said, we will assume that you followed this guide to create your coin: Forking TurtleCoin .

Nest was not developed with the idea in mind to be easily forked for other coins (Shame on me! But sorry, I did not expect it to gather so much interes